[Esp/Eng]Avispa Mata Caballo//Horse Kills Wasp

in hive-139293 •  4 years ago 


Hola estimados amigos de steemit,Dios los continue bendiciendo,hoy quiero compartir con ustedes,de esta avispa.
Hoy en el campo de mi padre mientras observaba lo hermoso de la naturaleza y difrutaba del aire fresco, observe a esta hermosa avispa con dos colores de tonos sobre ella,negro brillante en la mitad de su cuerpo y color naranja la otra mitad.
Esta avispa en mi pueblo la llaman mata caballo debido a lo grande ,tiene una medida de tres a cinco centimetros de largo, su nombre cientifico es Pepsis,pertenece a la familia: Pompilidae es de orden: Hymenoptera de la Clase: Insecta,filo: Arthropoda,tambien del reino animaliau, su picadura es la introduccion de un aguijon ,es muy grave sobre todo en los animales como caballos,mi abuelo me decia que si varias avispas de este tipo picaban a un caballo le provocaban la muerte ,es por esto que la llaman asi.
Pero hoy mientras observaba note que son insectos indefensos ,ella solo se alimentaba del nectar de esa planta la sobrevolaba a su alredor,ellas mientras no las molesten actuan de manera tranquila hasta se dejan fotografiar.
Espero que sea de su interes para seguir compartiendo mas con ustedes,Dios los bendiga grandemente.


Hello dear friends of steemit, God continue blessing you, today I want to share with you, about this wasp.
Today in my father's field while I was observing the beauty of nature and enjoying the fresh air, I observed this beautiful wasp with two colors of tones on it, bright black in half of its body and orange in the other half.

This wasp in my town is called a horse killer because of how large it is, it is three to five centimeters long, its scientific name is Pepsis, it belongs to the family: Pompilidae is of the order: Hymenoptera of the Class: Insecta, phylum: Arthropoda, also from the animal kingdom, its sting is the introduction of a stinger, it is very serious especially in animals such as horses, my grandfather told me that if several wasps of this type sting a horse they caused death, that is why they call it that.

But today while I was observing, I noticed that they are defenseless insects, she only fed on the nectar of that plant, she flew over her around her, while they do not bother them, they act calmly until they allow themselves to be photographed.
I hope it is of your interest to continue sharing more with you, God bless you greatly.


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