[Esp/ENG] Conchas de piñon para curar la Admigdalitis//Pinion shells to cure Tonsillitis

in hive-139293 •  4 years ago 

Hola apreciados amigos de esta maravillosa comunidad, agradecida por estar una vez mas con todos ustedes dandoles una nueva entrega de mi contenido.

Hello dear friends of this wonderful community, grateful to be with all of you once again giving you a new installment of my content.


Hoy les quiero hablar de esta receta curativa de mi abuela, como lo es la concha de la mata de piñon, ayer fui a la casa de mi abuela a visitarlos y le dije que me sentia como un malestar en la garganta a lo que ella me dijo que enseguida iba a prepararme una agua de concha de piñon para que hiciera gargaras, aqui le llamamos asi, gracias a Dios, no es ese fulano covid19, solo que me puse a sacudir una cosas con polvos y no me cubri la cara y me dio alergia ya que no puedo andar con polvo, ni tierra y cosas que me causen alergia.

Today I want to talk about this healing recipe of my grandmother, the peel of the pine nut, with salt, yesterday I went to my grandmother's house to visit them and I told her that it felt like a discomfort in the throat for which she told me that right away I was going to prepare a pinion of water to gargle, here we call him that, thank God, he is not that covid19 uncle, only that I started to shake some things with powders and I did not cover my face and it gave me an allergy since I did not I can walk in dust, dirt, and things that cause allergies.


Fuimos a la casa de una vecina que tiene esta planta a sacarle las conchas una vez sacadas, se lavan.

We went to the house of a neighbor who has this plant to remove the shells once they are removed, they are washed.


En su fogon de leña, puso a hervir, un litro de agua y agrego las concha y una cucharada de Sal, hasta que esto hierva, unas vez listo se deja reposar y se pasa por un colador para quitar los grumitos .

In his wood fire, he put a liter of water to boil and add the shells and a tablespoon of salt, until this boils, once ready, let it rest and pass through a strainer to remove the lumps.


Luego una vez frio esta listo para hacer gargaras, este remedio casero es astringente y es como jabonoso, te ayuda a combatir los germenes que estan alojado en la garganta.

Then once cold it is ready to gargle, this home remedy is astringent and is like soapy, it helps you fight the germs that are lodged in the throat.


Se pueden hechar en un frasco bien limpio, para merlerlo en el refigerador y esto puede aguantar una semana no es recomendable ingerirlo por que puede causar vomito y diarrea, ya que el liquido lechoso que echa la planta, lo utilizan para curar heridas, llagas en la piel y en la boca, ya que tiene efecto cicatrizante, las semillas de esta planta son venenosas causan diarrea y vomito y hasta puede causar la perdida del conocimiento, de ahi estraen una aceite no comestible que lo utilizan como combustible a lamparas y motores que se puede tranformar en biodiecel, otro dato es que tambien lo utlizan para fabricar jabon y colorantes.

They can be made, in a very clean jar, to keep in the refrigerator and this can last a week, it is not recommended to ingest it because it can cause vomiting and diarrhea, since the milky liquid that the plant throws, is used to cure. wounds, sores on the skin and in the mouth, since it has a healing effect, the seeds of this plant are poisonous, they cause diarrhea and vomiting and can even cause loss of consciousness, hence they extract an inedible oil that is used as fuel for lamps and motors that can be transformed into biodiecel, another fact is that they also use it to make soaps and dyes.

Este ha sido mi post de hoy, gracias por el apoyo, y pasar por mi blog, hasta luego b endiciones @gladiannys

La fotos fueron tomadas con mi telefono inteligente.

This has been my post today, thanks for the support, and stop by my blog, see you later, @gladiannys

The photos were taken with my smartphone.

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