The prerequisite for success is balance in life

in hive-139293 •  3 years ago 

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Balance is a general rule of the world. All the planets and stars in the universe are constantly changing their position, resulting in an increase in their range, while maintaining a balance between them. A small part of it is the Sun moving forward with its planets together, there is the same rule.

The planet Earth in the sun-he is running with the sun holding his mountains-mountains, seas-oceans, rivers-canals in his bosom. There is also a kind of good coordination is always observed. This time, if we narrow our gaze a little further, and take only the words of this country, we will see somewhere like here in the orderly vast mountains where the greenery sits at a certain time of the year, and the streams flowing at its footsteps - all these are incarnations At its core is invisible but balanced management.

If nature interferes with this infallible arrangement, nature will ever take its revenge. This is also the reason why cyclones, tidal surges etc. occur. It did not happen in the living world. The balance that is provided between the limbs of every living thing is a kind of beauty. And as a result, its effectiveness. This rule is prevalent in individuals, families, societies and countries. There is no way to ignore this great rule in any field of human life.

The scope of human life is not great, but the breadth is many and varied. This expansion is due to the individual's various needs in the family relationship with all members of the family, socially with many people, and if the person can cross the borders of the country to rise higher, but the expansion of his relationship spread beyond the country. In the midst of all this there is a beautiful orderly balance, which is needed to live beautifully in this world.

The same person is related to someone as a son, as a brother to someone, later also as a father. In addition, there are thousands of relationships in the field of relationships and actions as neighbors. What does an intelligent person do about all these relationships? The basic rule for him is to use intelligence to balance everything.

Friendship and enmity should also be balanced. Because who can guarantee that a friend today will not be my enemy in the future? It would be dangerous for her to change this relationship if she found out any secret information about me as a friend. On the other hand, the enemy today, tomorrow he may be a friend.

Am I going to make him a friend by creating extreme enmity with him? Not only in this relationship, but in all aspects of human life such as income-expenditure, thinking-belief, eating habits, and fulfilling responsibilities at all levels of personal, family, social

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