Life Hacks | "6 Ways to Drink Coffee to Lose Weight" by @muhammadhidayatt

in hive-139293 •  3 years ago 

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Hello dear Steemingzen members, how are you? I hope you are all well and always in God's protection. On this occasion, allow me @muhammadhidayatt to post on the Steeming Community and the theme I will discuss here is: "6 Ways to Drink Coffee to Lose Weight".

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Can coffee lose weight?
The answer is of course you can. But drinking coffee alone does not help us to lose weight. To lose weight, we also need to adopt an overall healthy lifestyle, including adopting a healthy diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep.

Coffee may be able to help us a little in our efforts to lose weight or prevent weight gain. But in fact there is no firm evidence stating that consuming coffee can trigger weight loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, research into the relationship between caffeine and weight is not definitive, and there are several factors as to how the caffeine in coffee can lead to weight loss. Among others are:

  • 1. The first, is the habit of drinking coffee can reduce appetite. Suppressing appetite can help us eat fewer calories, thereby preventing overeating and weight gain.

  • 2. Second, caffeine can also increase energy use at rest. Caffeine stimulates thermogenesis, one of the ways the body produces heat and energy from digesting food.

In addition, there are no definitive studies on caffeine and weight loss, but some of these studies are of poor quality or have just been tested on animals, so the results are dubious or difficult to generalize to humans. Some studies have also found that decaffeinated coffee can contribute to modest weight loss. This suggests that substances or factors other than caffeine may play a role in weight loss. When consumed in moderate amounts or a maximum of around 400 milligrams and consumed by healthy adults, coffee is generally safe to consume. However, consuming too much caffeine can cause anxiety, insomnia, nausea, increased blood pressure, and other health problems. In addition, the way of serving coffee is also very influential.

Even if the habit of drinking coffee can help you lose weight, you should still be careful about consuming it.

Drinking black coffee without sugar may be able to help us achieve our target weight. However, drinking coffee that is sweetened with extra, fatty milk, or even cream actually makes us consume high-calorie drinks and are at risk of increasing weight. So, can coffee lose weight? For more information, friends, please refer to my explanation below to get suggestions for the right serving, so that the coffee we consume can help lose weight.

Coffee for weight loss

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Here I will discuss some ways to serve coffee that can help lose weight and maintain our overall health.

1. Drink coffee without sugar.

One way to drink coffee to lose weight is to drink it without sugar. According to Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, author of Your First Time Mom's Pregnancy Cookbook Fueling Male Fertility to Eat This Not That, "drinking coffee without sugar is one way that making a coffee habit can help you lose weight or at least build a healthy habit." The recommended limit for sugar consumption per day according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health is four tablespoons per day, or the equivalent of 50 grams. But that is the total consumption of sugar, not just through drinks. Drinking coffee without sugar can also help us to avoid excess sugar intake.

Adding just a tablespoon of sugar to a cup of coffee will give you about 12.5 grams of sugar. That's a pretty big portion. Consuming too much added sugar can not only lead to weight gain, it can also increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. If you want a little sweetness, you can add honey, molasses, or drink coffee with fruit. However, keep adding natural sweeteners in moderation.

2. Drink Black Coffee.

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Not only sugar, we also need to avoid adding too much creamer, whipped cream, or even fatty milk. That is why, if you want to drink coffee to lose weight, it is better to drink black coffee.

Black coffee only has about 5 calories per cup, so it is very safe for consumption for people who want to lose weight. But what is added to coffee can contribute significant calories, especially if we drink it several times a day.

3. Do not drink coffee as a substitute for food.

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Coffee can indeed suppress appetite. But says Laura Burak Nutrition, Laura Burak, MS, RD, that if you want to build the habit of drinking coffee to lose weight, then don't make it a substitute for food. Because if we drink coffee to suppress appetite, it will tend to skip the meal. Habits like this have the potential to make us overeat at the next meal.

In addition, skipping meals and switching to coffee not only disrupts the body's metabolism.

4. Avoid drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening.

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Drinking coffee after work, for example at 14.00 or 16.00 is very tempting. But if you want to lose weight, I suggest that this habit should be avoided. Because drinking coffee too close to bedtime can disrupt a person's sleep patterns and can eliminate the opportunity to get quality sleep.

Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep even though it is related to weight gain. So if you want to build the habit of drinking coffee to lose weight, then avoid drinking coffee too late or late at night, or you can choose a decaffeinated coffee option.

5. Avoid adding a Cream.

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Maybe some people can't drink black coffee. But at least make sure to avoid the creamer in your coffee cup if you really want to lose weight.

Creamer is high in saturated fat. Adding a tablespoon of creamer is equivalent to adding about 30 calories in 2 grams of saturated fat to your coffee. Saturated fat is known to increase LDL cholesterol, or bad cholesterol, which in turn can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. According to the US National Library of Medicine, saturated fat can trigger weight gain.

So if you want to build the habit of drinking coffee to lose weight, then avoid the habit of adding creamer to coffee. As an alternative to creamer, you can use plant-based milk that is not too sweet, such as almond milk which only contains about 2 calories per one tablespoon.

6. Avoid high-calorie snacks when drinking coffee.

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If friends have a habit of drinking coffee to lose weight and be healthy, be sure to avoid high-calorie snacks that are usually consumed while coffee.

I often see a number of coffee shops that provide snacks such as cakes that are high in sugar or biscuits in their windows. Some people even tend to be tempted to enjoy their coffee with biscuits. But it's okay if you only do it occasionally. But if often, it will fail your weight loss plan. I suggest, as a healthier alternative, you can combine coffee with fruit as a snack or nuts.

Okay friends, maybe that's all I can say on this occasion. Hopefully my post can be useful for all Steemingzen friends. See you again in my next post, thank you...


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Quite a detailed post about coffee. You just reminded me not to drink so much coffee. Several weeks ago I stopped drinking coffee frequently because I had fallen into a bad habit, drinking too much coffee. I was drinking 6 cups of coffee a day, and thanks to that I felt very tired all the time and had headaches when I didn't drink it.

In short, ¡I had become addicted to coffee! =D

Fortunately, I have no problems with my weight my friend, but thank you very much for the advice. I think I will try to drink my coffee without adding too much sugar from now on.

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Helloo, It is Alejandro. I just pass by to tell you that I have curated your post using Steemingcuration account. Keep up with the good work 😊

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