Not wanting to impose my views yet feeling I had something important to say I decided to send an open letter to my fellow book clubbers so they could decide for themselves whether to read it or not.
On the whole I find people that read books are generally quite thoughtful types and whose reading allows us to comprehend experiences beyond our own.
This is the letter I sent below.
Dear fellow book clubbers,
I’m writing this open letter to all you thoughtful folk because I feel strongly about what’s going on.
I consider myself something of a black sheeple, and as a political activist, I’m concerned these changes will affect me and others like me, and further our society negatively.
I’m speaking specifically about vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations. I absolutely believe this step will take us into a totalitarian state. The reason I state this with such conviction is that in my experience one necessitates the other.
With the level of surveillance and control required to enforce passports the risk is high that this step will be irreversible.
I’m not saying I’ve got all the answers. I actually have lots and lots of questions surrounding the pandemic. What I am troubled by is the level of censorship being employed. It’s starting to leave people with an impression that nothing is making sense.
I’m not asking you to trust me. I’m saying trust yourself, your own gut instincts telling you if something is wrong.
We are at an important turning point of history. Everyone is important, and what everyone does will shape the future.
One of the most important things you can do right now is decide – where is my line in the sand?
Thanks for reading