THE DIARY GAME : 16/08/2020 : she Left | Back to Hostel.

in hive-139293 β€’Β  5 years agoΒ 
I felt like someone walking here and there in a hurry. I listened to that sound for a while and the source of the sound suddenly hit my door and came in without asking. My Sister.πŸ˜‚ Today was a busy day from the morning.

Me and my Nangi (younger sister) study in the same faculty and same university. She is a first year Engineering Undergraduate and I'm in my final year. Due to this Covid-19 pandemic all over the world, our county also was affected and so the all universities of the country.

We came back home when we had only 2 covid positive cases in the country and it was 13th of March as I remember. As insecurities rose and we could not go out, we were at home for more than 5 months.

With the guidance of the government, health sector, three forces, police and all, especially with support of the people, now we have came back to normal. But universities were closed up to now as they wanted to ensure the security of the students who come from all over the country.

Now, they have decided to commence university works and my sister had to go back to her hostel today. Only one person is assigned to a one hostel room. University work will start tomorrow, So she left home today. My mother was busy with cooking and nangi was busy with packing. So they made the sound of going here and there from the morning.


She left home around 1 pm and carried 3 big fully packed bags.πŸ˜‚ She will be there only for a week and will come back next Friday evening. They have to do all the practicals within this week. And the following week, The second 1/3 of their batch will go back to university. We will have to stay home for another one month may be. Not Sure. πŸ˜’

Then I ate some China pera which are called Strawberry guava. I don't know why people call them china pera means Chinese guava. πŸ€” I like this fruit but we don't find them as other guava types.

I did a part of my tote bag drawing even today and then went to help mother to wash the floor and clean the home.


In the evening I did some project works and also had nap as I felt sleepy. My mother gave me these snack packets as I have to awake in the late night.


Even before I started my work, I finished 2 of them as always. πŸ˜‚ Then I started working on our project.


I felt sad and angry as one of our group member scolded at Manodya mentioning some unnecessary, unfair things. Manodya and I worked for the project even without sleeping in the night for days. Others did not that much care about the work. So, blaming at a person who did a big part of the project is rude. She was very much upset so I am.

As it is useless to stay awake without a working mind, we decided to sleep and discuss project works in the morning.
I was bit late to write this. Somehow I finished this now. Thank you for reading #thediarygame post. ❀

Team : @steemceylon

This is me

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Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

Your tote bag is getting a real masterpiece :-)

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

Thank you very much for your appreciation. I’ll put a photo once it is done. 😍

After long time it's very difficult to go university again because all students stayed their houses over 4 or 5 months. But human's life being normal and then you all have to work again.

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

I understand the fact but my mind does not agree to go back. πŸ₯Ί after spending lots of time with family. It’s hart to go back to that uncomfortable life 😒

I have tasted this "China pera ".. this fruit got a amazing taste. It's nice to see that you completing that painting .. it looks amazing.. and must add a word on that "Mini Chips" packet.. We use it as bytes πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ with some C. 2H. 6O
#onepercent #srilanka

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

Yeah its taste is different from other guava types. πŸ˜‹ about drawing, it might take a longer time than i thought but let's see.😍

ha hah.... C2H6O πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you can eat Mini Chips without C2H6O tooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

Me and my Nangi (younger sister) study in the same faculty and same university.

Wow it is a blessing. Then ask your brother also to go it oneday.
#onepercent #srilanka

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

I always ask him. But all he does is playing with his friends πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

@tipu curate 🐣🐣🐣

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

Your bag drawing is quite impressive πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

thank you for the comment❀

Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

Me and my Nangi (younger sister) study in the same faculty and same university.

So nice ❀️
Let's introduce Steemit for your younger sister πŸ˜‰


Β  Β· Β 5 years agoΒ 

I tried but she is somewhat lazy on writing though she has writing skill. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

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