Steeming Community comment contest || HOW YOU HAVE SPENT YESTERDAY ON STEEMIT?? || Date: 6th June,2021

in hive-139293 •  3 years ago 

rsz_0001-1661192689_20210521_090340_00001280x960.pngimage by: @dajoo

"About The Contest"

Steemit has become an integral part of our lives. While spending time on Steemit, we do a lot of activities, face a lot of events. Some posts touch our minds, some moments make us feel bad, some events make us laugh. We can share with others what we witnessed or happened to us on Steemit. This is our seventeenth day of the contest.

Please write in the comment section "HOW YOU HAVE SPENT YESTERDAY ON STEEMIT."


  • This is a comment contest. For participating in the contest, you must make your entry in the comment. You can use any language.
  • You can write a minimum of 50 words and a maximum of 100 words.
  • The use of images in your comment is not mandatory. You can use a maximum of two images in your comment.
  • To be considered for the reward, you must be a 💧Steemingzen member. To learn more about membership, please click here.
  • You can earn Bonus(Per Referral) if you refer this contest to your friends. For getting a bonus, your friend must be a steemingzen member and need to participate in this contest.


You can make your entry till 8th June 5.59 PM UTC. This contest will be done on daily basis.

"Prize Pool"

Top 15 entries of this contest will be rewarded 0.80 Steem each if they fulfill all the conditions. Please read all the rules before participating in the contest.

"Yesterday's Winners"

Last day, we got 27 participants. It was really tough to choose the top 15 photos. According to rules, the top 15 photos will be rewarded 1 steem each.

1@yrasilva080.80 Steen
2@mavibauza0.80 Steen
3@elshadr0.80 Steen
4@monasterios0.80 Steen
5@ternuritajessi0.80 Steen
6@yancar0.80 Steen
7@victornavarro0.80 Steen
8@kyrie12340.80 Steen
9@padmore0.80 Steen
10@hae-ra0.80 Steen
11@sweetnaomi050.80 Steen
12@noelamontana0.80 Steen
13@anandavzla0.80 Steen
14@poenbit0.80 Steen
15@yuceetoria0.80 Steen

Steeming Community Quick Delegation Link

25 SP100 SP250 SP500 SP1000 SP1500 SP2500 SP

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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This contest will be included in a future edition of the daily #WinWithSteem contest listings...

Thank you #steemingcommunity below is my entry


I woke up to the news of yesterday being the lecture free day in my school university of nigeria , i did my morning prayer as usual and i went back to bed and i slept till 1pm when i remember i have some laptop to fix. I stood up and i pick up the laptop to troubleshoot. I was unable to discover the the issue till 4pm when found out the issue why the laptop was not displaying is because the RAM was not Good so i search for replacement which i found in my tool box and i was able to return the laptop in perfect condition . i wanted to go out in the evening but it started raining so i have to stayback at home to wash movie till it was bed time.

And am also inviting

Thankyou @steemingcuration

This my entry for this sesion :
There is not much I can do for daily activities since yesterday, the weather has not been friendly in the last few days, in general the overcast clouds are still hanging around spoiling the sun to shine on the earth, conditions like this are very uncomfortable for outdoor activities.
Likewise with me, I spent almost half the day yesterday enjoying a few cups of coffee, as an illustration, I am a true coffee connoisseur, I can enjoy all types of coffee that are blended in any way without leaving side effects for my comfort and health.
The coffee I enjoyed yesterday was local Aceh coffee of the Robusta variety, specially formulated according to local wisdom, to enjoy a delicious cup of Aceh coffee, it takes a barista with special skills to serve this type of coffee.
I finished three cups of delicious Aceh coffee to fill half my day yesterday.
That's my story yesterday, hopefully today and tomorrow will be better days, for me, you and all of us
Thanks a lot, best regards



hola amigos de #steemingcommunity, para mi estar en esta plataforma ha sido muy agradable ,el dia de ayer en #steemit ha sido muy alegre y gratificante,pude ingresar en la plataforma en dos ocasiones con la ayuda de mi mama ,revise mis publicaciones y pude recibir la gran bendicion que me votaron por primera vez una publicación del cual ya me habian elegido en el top 5 de SV-KIDS, en steem venezuela,ayer me apoyo el booming 03 y ha sido muy bueno,así tendré oportunidad de comprar algunas cositas que me hacen falta y subir mi steem power en lo que pueda invertir,aqui dejo la publicacion de mi participacion:
Gracias a esta hermosa comunidad por estos minis concursos que cuentan con la interaccion de muchos usuarios,abrazos !



Saludos amigos de Steeming Community, hoy vengo a contarles como pase mi día de ayer en steemit, ayer domingo llegue del servicio dominal como a las 11:30 am, y me conecte a la plataforma a revisar mis notificaciones, como a las 12:30 pm mi esposa me llama para almorzar, luego de almorzar tome una siesta como hasta las 3 pm, me conecte nuevamente a steemit y vote y comente algunas publicaciones de interés, estuve como hasta las 5:00 pm, comparti con mis hijos y mi esposa como hasta las 7:00 pm que cenamos, y me conecte nuevamente a steemit como hasta las 10:00 pm, realmente puedo decir que steemit es parte de mi día a día, para mi es un trabajo mas, invito a @gabriela2017, @marianavila, @recush para que compartan como pasaron su dia de ayer en steemit, bendiciones.

Sin duda es una vida muy dura, bro @juan2017...


Even though Monday is the first day of school/work, i was all through at home. We finished our rain semester exams two weeks back and we are still in break. Since i have nowhere/no one to go to, steemit was there for me. I explored a lot of communities, checked for contest and participated. Steemit has a lot of interesting communities and i figured them yesterday. It was an interesting exploration. Steemit is so good and is here to stay.
I invite @davosimple, @pricelesspresh, @hazmat

Hello Steemian, how is your day going? So yesterday after coming back from Church Service, there was a co-operative society meeting in our house. To pass time, I logged in to Steemit to see what is new. I was able to see at least two contest that I am currently writing on. I made a post yesterday to encourage Steemians for the new week. You can read the post here
I made some comments on my friends post, resteemed their posts and upvotes few. I don't have much voting power so I am still working on to increase my Steem Power.


Yesterday on #steemit was another busy day, I created a new contest and I’m so happy because this time the prizes will not be taken from my wallet, I have two very generous individual who donated a total of 35 STEEM for the prizes.

It is just a simple blog writing contest and the topic is very simple too, participants will just have to tell a story about their province.

I was also busy inviting possible participants yesterday offering them the SBD earnings of my contest post to be divided by all qualified participants.


Feliz tarde amigos steemingzen les cuento que ayer Domingo fue de relajacion sin embargo no deje de hacer mis actividad diaria en #steemit, luego de mi desayuno entre a la plataforma para leer comentar y votar a publicaciones de contenido valioso, estube leyendo y enterandome de algunas cosas nuevas, me interese en hacer mi introduccion en la comunidad #steemitfoods Y tambien realice la publicacion de mi diario este ultimo lo realice a media noche porque en el dia el internet estubo lento aqui el link de mi publicación



Just a normal day for me but I know my usual day on #steemit is extraordinary. When people are busy looking and upvoting for big curators or #steemians who have very high SP, for the hope to be upvoted back, in my end I kept myself busy looking for content posted in our small community who got only zero to less than .03 upvotes.

I upvoted them and encouraged other members to upvote so that it will reach at least .03$.

I am happy helping others even if I do need help also.

Hola amigos, ayer publiqué mi diario por aqui y participé en un concurso, aproveche de revisar y visitar algunos amigos.


De verdad cada día consigo una forma nueva de entretenerme en Steemit. Saludos para ustedes.

Saludos amigos el día de ayer a pesar de las diferentes responsabilidades realice mis comentarios y votos y pude publicar mi diario. Estuve guiando a mi niña en la creación de un twitter para que pueda promocionar la plataforma Steemit cuando realice sus contenidos.


Hello good morning, how did i spent yesterday on steemit i was just vlogging and resteeming on steemit. Yesterday i was planning to post on steemit but its not happening. I was cooking yesterday, i was cooking a puto and planning to post but its failed. My puto is very tasty but the looks are not good. Its not the ideal look to post thats why i dont post it.

Looks the look. Hahaha its not good, the taste is not different but the look is bad thats why i dont post it. Next time i will try my best to make it perfect. Make my puto smooth and fluffy then i will post it. This is how i spent yesterday on stermit. Thank you everyone and keep blogging, God bless us all.

I invited @momshie16, @ayingferry, and @momshie85 to participate this daily contest.


How I spent my day on Steemit?

Being on Steemit, I have grown confident trying new recipes. I dedicated yesterday making Nando’s style chicken and spicy rice to upload the recipe on Steem Women Club. Captured step by step process of making the dishes and it was so much fun! Link to my post

Screen Shot 2021-06-08 at 4.41.55 AM.png

Moreover, although I do not have much Steem Power for now, being relatively new on Steemit, I upvoted some posts in different communities, which I came across and found genuinely interesting. Also, got to know some talented artist from my country through a contest currently running in my country's community (Pakistan).

Steemit is always a great place to learn from and interact with different people everyday. ❤️

Hola, Dios los bendiga a todos, mi domingo inicio agradeciendo por un nuevo día, estar en casa junto a mi esposo e hijo, desayunar pan con una rica taza de café preparada por mi esposo para después cumplir con el tratamiento por la extracción de mi muela.

Dedicarle un poco de tiempo a la plataforma para publicar, comentar, visitar algunos usuarios, no abusar y guardar reposo para mejorar, pase la tarde viendo televisión con mi hijo acostados y abrazados.

También converse con algunas chicas de la plataforma a través del telegram, un buen domingo de descanso y familia.


Foto propia

Hola amigo diario, el día domingo me levante para continuar buscando solución para armar la moto, primero hice mis aseos para hacer café y atender a mi esposa e hijo, después de desayunar arranque a ver si conseguía la forma para hacer prender la moto, pero nada que prendía así que la desarme toda.

Le escribí a unos amigos que se encuentran en el extranjero comentándole lo que me pasaba, algunos me dieron orientaciones, peor me preocupa que me generan gastos. Arme la otra moto lográndola prender para ir al trabajo en el inicio de semana, me bañe y descanse.

Foto tomada de mi Samsung J2 Core

Saludos amigos de esta comunidad, el día de ayer la pase en familia, visite a mi mama, estuve como hasta las 5 de la tarde, luego me conecte a revisar steemit, después me puse hacer la cena, después de comer, me volví a conectar para leer notificaciones, publicar, votar y comentar, estoy tratando de estar mas activa en la plataforma, steemit a pasado a ser parte de mi vida.

Ayer fué un dia de retos. Yo estoy suscripta en una comunidad llamada #steemvenezuela y ellos disponen para cada dia una actividad diferente. Los Martes son de Cocina, por lo que quiero participar presentando mi receta de la elaboración de la Torta de Piña. Me levanté temprano para hacer mi receta al pie de la letra y tomar las fotos. La metí al horno eléctrico, solo le faltaba poquito para estar lista y zassss se fué la luz, me sentía muy frustrada ya que iba a perder todo mi esfuerzo. La deje adentro a ver si lograba que el caliente la terminara de cocinar. No me quedó como yo quería, pero pude terminar mi receta y mañana con el favor de Dios voy a mostrar el resultado final.



I had no much activities made on #steemit yesterday aside from upvoting few posts with my very low SP ( which I wish I could make it increase in next few weeks)but I started a blog that would come out in a few days, hopefully I could finish it.

Aside from that I am also busy inviting non-steemians to join #steemit and was able to convince few of my friends, I am expecting they will sign up in a few days.


Steemit has become an integral part of my daily life. After my chores, I logged in to my steemit account. I replied the many comments on my notifications. Then I proceeded to do my achievement 4 in new comers community.


When I finished, I proceeded to steem geography community where I did a contest on discussing world problems.


I also got talking with a steemingzen buddy who helped put me through with some new ideas on steemit @giftye. I invite @amazingcyndy, @giftye to participate in this contest.

How you have spent yesterday on steemit?

As an answer to the question "How you have spent yesterday on steemit" Yesterday, aside of checking my steemit notifications, making comment on other's post, checking new contest that i can able to join. Yesterday, we also had discussions about steemit sharing some updates together with my co-steemians thru chat in our group chat on messenger

Also inviting to participate this contest


  ·  3 years ago (edited)

How I Spent My Yesterday On Steemit

Hello Steemians,it's nice to be a part of this contest once again,I've sincerely missed it,hope it continues everyday.

So my yesterday on steemit was quite eventful,as I was able to apply for the minnow support program at the steemit nursery Community

We were asked to screenshot our all time reward summary to make sure we've not exceeded the 500sp mark.

I surfed round the various Communities I have subscribed to, searching for contests and I found one in that same community,"steemit nursery" which I plan getting into today

I invite @lewas-write ,@amazingcyndy ,@dokubo11

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-07 at 10.40.09 AM.jpeg

Hoy mi día estuvo dedicado a la salud de mi hijo.

Le agradezco mucho a Dios ya que nos fue muy bien y se encuentra muy sano, las palabras textuales del Doctor Navas fueron:

“Austin es el paciente más sano que he atendido en los últimos meses”

De verdad me llena de mucha satisfacción ya que he realizado un buen trabajo como Papá, también le agradezco muchísimo a #steemit ya que tenía más de un año sin poder llevarlo a una consulta por el alto costo.

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-07 at 10.40.08 AM.jpeg

Feliz y Bendecido día! Mi dia Ayer no muy común, por qué la vida es lo que sucede no lo que planificas,después de mis que haceres salí en busca de reparar mi molino, no avancé por falta de electrodos y el disco de corte, también realice algunas lecturas de post comente vote, tome fotos del fruto cacao para un reto organizado en la comunidad Latina convocado por @acostaeladio. Al llegar a casa no a publicación por fallas eléctricas . Todos los intentos fallidos. El tiempo de Dios es perfecto


Thank you #steemingcommunity

I got up early to go to my sister's shop, she owns a fragrance shop. I act as a sales girl for her sometimes, yesterday was one of those days.
At the shop I tried to log into my steemit account but the network was so bad I couldn't really do much I had to leave it for later.
I reached home very late in the evening and logged into my account, checking my notifications where I saw some activities on my former posts which I responded to and also tried to invite some people to our campus games on #campusconnect which commenced today. I tried to write but I was too tired to so I decided to write today as I was not going to the shop.
That is how I spent my yesterday
I am inviting my friends

How you have spent yesterday on steemit?

Hello steemingzen! This is my first time joining this contest. Yesterday, while at work there's a friend of mine asked me why i've always took photos of my food everytime i cooked. So i told him that i am going to use that photos in making blog and post it on steemit. Out of curiousity he asked me what is steemit and if it's an app that need to download. So by having a chance, i explained and promote steemit platform to him by telling some basic idea what's inside this platform.

Inviting my friend


Uuu que bien amigos...

Buenísimo!! Que éxito.

Waaoo,,gracias por la mencion,,excelente miniconcurso

wow! Thank you so much for this


I had a busy day yesterday. During the day, I had to work for over 10 hours and had little time to check steemit. Nonetheless, I wanted to make the most of my little free time. So, while working outside, I snapped a few photos to put on Steemit. I took a few flower photographs.

Then, whenever I had a few minutes of free time, I began to write the blog piece by piece. Finally, when I was no longer employed, I completed the post. Then I published it.

Ayer fue un dia muy satisfactorio pues comparti todo el dia con mi madre. Temprano salimos a trabajar juntos. Hicimos nuestras diligencias fue una excelente mañana

al llegar medio dia. Ella estaba algo cansada asi que cocine para ella. Almorzamos juntos y luego nos pusimos a oir musica y a recordar anecdotas.


All prize has been sent to the winners.
cc @boss75