If Phones Were Humans...

in hive-139765 •  9 months ago  (edited)

Quite and interesting topic, I was literally giggling when I saw the topic and especially that thumbnail image of the contest; the guy operating the phone with smoke coming out of the eyes and ears and mouth. That’s technically some people’s phone situation. Glad am a little considerate. Hahaha.


Welcome to my blog and I do hope you have fun reading through this. I invite @ruthjoe, @manuelhooks and @cive40 to participate in this contest.

Would your phones be alive today if it were a human? Give reasons for your answer

The answer to the question is yes. If my phone was human, it would definitely be alive, well and hearty. I know my phone is an integral part of my life. Infact it is like you are living in another world without a smart phone with data.

In as much as I use my phone for several things like steeming, surfing the internet, making calls, listening to podcasts or music and being on social media, I allow it rest sometimes. I actually have two phones so I intermittently switch this usage to avoid over working them. While am using one, the other is resting.

Do you give your phones rest or do you make it work 24/7?

I allow my phones rest because me too I need rest. I don’t use my phone round the clock. When am sleeping my phone is resting. When I travel I use my phone less. When am in meetings, the phone rest, when I cook and etc are my phone’s resting moments. If my phone was human, it would surely thank me for been considerate. Lol.

Describe a situation where your phone might feel happy, sad, or frustrated.

There are situations when I feel my phone might feel happy like when am sleeping and not using it, when am charging it am sure it’s glad to be having a refill. It’s like eating like we do. Eating good food makes us happy, so I guess my phone might be happy when I charge it and it’s resting.

My phone will definitely be feeling sad when I use it for hours without stopping especially when am steeming. Sometimes I can make three or four posts at a stretch and these takes hours on my phone. When I use it at a stretch watching movies or playing songs and etc, am sure it’s feeling sad.

Ofcourse the frustration comes in when it’s hot and am still using it, or when it’s hanging or having difficulty with network connectivity and I switch it off and on and still insist on using it, it feels like it’s definitely frustrated and showing it off but sometimes I don’t care cos I want that thing done at the moment.

What advice do you have on phone usage?

Phone usage requires gentle love and care. There are some steps one can take to ensure your phone lasts and functions to the optimum. They include;

  • Ensure you put a screen guard and pouch on your phone, this helps spoilage during falls. My phone just fell three days ago and thankfully there was a screen guard. The screen guard cracked. If there wasn’t a screen guard, it would have been the screen and that would bring unwanted expenses.

  • Don’t use your phone while charging to avoid battery damage.

  • Avoid liquids and spillage on the phone to avoid damage

  • Keep your phone at a safe space before sleeping. My friend laid on his phone while sleeping and it spoilt.

  • Allow the phone to cool off when its temperature increases. Don’t over work the phone by using it 24/7.

  • Use the appropriate charger.

In conclusion our phones are integral part of our lives and should be handled properly for optimal functioning and lasting. Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are welcomed.

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It's interesting to know you do allow your phone to rest just as you need rest. It's also interesting to know your advice on phone usage. The way we take care of ourselves should be reflected too. Imagine someone's phone falls and break. What if it were humans? It would have fallen and lie dead or get injured. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you best of luck in this contest

Well said. Thank you for stopping by. Best regards

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hola amiga.

Hay tanto de que hablar de nuestro teléfono, te imaginas que de verdad pudieran ser humanos, sería súper inteligentes, más de.lo que son 🤭
Gracias por la invitación

Éxitos en tú participación 😉
