My worst childhood chores.

in hive-139765 •  4 years ago 
Hello everyone, its been a wonderful week and I want to say big thank you to @steemkids for a great contest and best wishes to all contestants.

Growing up as a normal kid you’ll be exposed to a whole lot chores and of course there are some that you’ll always detest which is normal for a kid.

I recall one Saturday morning, my mom had them call me out and these were her words, “Basheeru, from now onwards you will be washing your clothes yourself”. Initially I thought it was a joke only to realize this woman was serious, lol. I had no other choice but to do as told, every Saturday morning I will gather my clothes and school sandals, Chale it wasn't easy. Whenever I washed and got tired, she would tell me to go rest while she takes it from there and whenever the clothes were not clean, she will rewash them. My mom always insisted I washed on Saturdays and which I didn’t like the idea since it interfered with my Saturday morning sleep. Fridays was always stressful and one would love to have proper sleep and washing kept on interfering, which is one of the more reasons I hated it. To be frank, I still hate washing but I’m now used to it.


My primary school days was not easy at all. At the time, my sisters were really young, I always believed that washing of bowls was meant for girls and I had a hard time doing that. My mom always kept imposing it on me and I didn’t have a choice, along the way I got used to it but was waiting patiently for these girls to hit that age of having the strength to wash, lol. Not quite long, they became all grown up, so my mom made me handover. What a relief. As of now, I find it normal washing bowls because I do it more often in school.

I didn’t like running errands as well. Basheeru go and buy this, go and buy that. My grandmother, may Allah be pleased with her was really good at this, ha-ha. She sent me the most but then it was normal since there was always a reward waiting upon your return, I kind of miss those days.

I would never encourage my kids to hate these chores even though daddy didn’t like them. I believe that as kids they would hate one or two chores and its normal for kids, one would just have to be patient with them as my parents have been been patient with me.

Thank you @Pandev for inviting me and I would like to also invite @tanko98, @wilmer1988 and @fathiafatawu to join this contest.

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Thank you very much for participating in the contest. It is good to be patient with our children so that they do not feel overwhelmed, thank you for that message. We are happy to have you with us. Keep creating quality content.

Thank you, my pleasure