Toothache and abscesses

in hive-139765 •  28 days ago 

A daily routine of personal hygiene, food, water has a great advantage to our health as many people are suffering from toothache and abscesses due to improper caring of the teeth and today, we are going to look at this common two dental problem.



A toothache is a painful feeling in or around your tooth. As individual once you experience painful sensation in your teeth or gum, it simple tells you that something is wrong, and from that moment, you will feel uncomfortable in your mouth to eat, chew or even brush because you might be hit the area in the cause of trying to eat.

Causes of toothache
The tooth or gum will not pain without anything affecting it and so, below are some of the things that causes a toothache

Tooth decay: Too much eating of sugary thing cause this bacterial infection of a tooth decay and once the tooth is affected, it damages tooth enamel and dentin.

Gum disease: This is the infection that inflammed the gums as the results of too sugary food and drinks, high amount of starchy food, smoking, dairy products, acidic foods etc.

Cracked tooth: The tooth will be cracked and have a nerves expose due to ice, sticky food, nuts and seeds, hard candies.

Grinding or clenching: Grinding or clenching of teeth which brings about jaw pains is caused by a combination factor such as lifestyle and psychological factors.


To prevent toothache, you must;


  • Practice a habit of eating a balanced diet and good oral hygiene.

  • Eat vitamin D-rich food like the egg yolk, fatty fish to help strengthen the teeth.

  • Eat nut and seeds like sunflower and almond seeds which are healthy fats that will improve oral health.

  • Eat food that are rich in calcium like milk and cheese, they're necessary good for teeth

  • Eat teeth cleaners fruits and vegetables like carrot and apples.

  • Always visit a dentist regularly for a check-up.


A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that forms inside the gum tissue or teeth and it is usually cause by a bacterial infection.
Abscesses is something you can touch and it is very easy to feel.

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Abscess comes in two type, the periodontal and periapical abscess.

Periodontal abscess: This type of abscess occur as a result of gum disease and is usually forms in the gum tissue.

Periapical abscess: Periapical abscess always build-up at the tips of the root, usually cause by the infected pulp.

Dental abscess symptoms

Anyone who is suffering from abscess may likely experience;

  • Unhealthy breath

  • A severe pains toothache

  • Fever

  • A dropping discharge or pus and

  • Inflammation and redness of the gum

Abscess Prevention measures


✓ Practice regular brushing of teeth or rinse with mouthwash or use floss daily.

✓ Avoid using teeth in biting or chewing hard objects

✓ Eat a balanced diet meal

✓ Limit sugary and acidic foods

✓ Avoid smoking and tobacco

✓ Stay hydrated

✓ Do check-up regularly

✓ Seek proper dental care

Abscesses should be properly treat to avoid the infection spreading to other part of the body such as the skull or face as untreated abscesses can lead to serious health complication like tissue damage or bone damage and systemic infections.

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