Help The Kids To Develop Their Creativity... Create Something from nothing: Explore More

in hive-139765 •  2 years ago 

Hi all my dear friends. How are you all..? I hope fine.

Today I’m going to draw apple l,So guys I will tell this drawing step by step

Step 01

First, friends, I found a pencil and paper to draw the picture and drew the plan of the picture.

Step 02

The second thing I did was complete the apple. So apple is a fruit we all know. So you can imagine this very quickly.


Step 03

So guys, when my apple was pulled, I wanted to make it beautiful, so I added an apple leaf. So guys, I'm done drawing the apple now

History of Apple

To start with its roots, Apple, originally a member of the rose family or Rosaceae, originated in Dzungarian Alps. Apple was very popular in Kazakhstan and China, where it was consumed as a wild fruit. Gradually, the power food made its way into Asia, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. A stone tablet found in Mesopotamia, dating back to 1500 B.C., narrates the story of an Apple orchard in exchange of a herd of sheep. Europeans brought apple stock to Virginia and Southwest. John Chapman, who in later years came be known as john Appleseed planted apple trees throughout Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. With time people discovered the various facts about apple fruit nutrition, which led to a flourishing multi-billion dollar fruit industry.

Right time to eat Apple

Many of us do not know the right time to eat apples. According to doctors, every morning is the best time to eat an apple. Drink plenty of water every morning on an empty stomach. After drinking water you should eat an apple by it the bowel function of the body is properly regulated. We fast and eat dates at if tar and drink fruit juice with it. So it can be said that eating apples on an empty stomach will never harm the body.

8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples

1.Nutritious. ...
2.May support weight loss. ...
3.Could be good for your heart. ...
4.Linked to a lower risk of diabetes. ...
5.May promote gut health. ...
6.Might help prevent cancer. ...
7.Could help fight asthma. ...
8.May help protect your brain.

Possible side effects of eating too many apples

Digestive issues
Fibre improves our digestive health but too much of it can backfire, leading to bloating and constipation. So, if you are having a healthy diet with more than two apples a day, it can lead to some serious digestive troubles.
Your blood sugar levels may fluctuate
Apples are highly rich in carbohydrates that can provide you with a burst of energy, which makes apples a perfect pre-workout snack.
But having too many apples can lead to a blood sugar spike as it is rich in carbohydrates.
You might consume too many pesticides
Every year, apples top the list of fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide residues. which means that eating too many apples can result in high levels of the chemical.

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Hello @benu1215 you're post contains plagiarism and you seem to copy your information from the below 👇 site

This act is highly prohibited 🚭 on Steemit, I advice you continue with your achievement tasks up to 4 so that you will understand how the platform works.

I admit that I made a mistake, I am new to stimeet so I apologize for the mistake I made without realizing it. I hope to correct my mistakes and move on.