title: A child, a million smiles 😁: How can you make a child smile 😁? Help them!

in hive-139765 β€’Β  2 months agoΒ 

Hello friends welcome to my blog.

What need did you notice that the kids around you have?


Kids are beautiful and innocent creatures. They are naturally fun to be with especially when you treat them right. I have always had kids around me right, from my niece and nephew, my biological children and the highest of it all, my department in the church, which is the children's section, where I have the opportunity to interact with kids a lot.

However, the striking need I have noticed among some kids around me is love. When you see a child that is been loved from home, they are full of life. But some children lack love from their home and it has affected their confidence level when they come together with other children. I am a sensitive person when it comes to kids, so There was this child in my church I noticed she do not interact with other kids and I wanted to know what the problem was so I noticed she wasn't given attention and love in her home

How did you provide that need? It could be service or financial help

I made her my friend, complimented her on her shoes and clothes, call her by her name (kids love it when you call their name, showing that you know them well); every time I didn't see her church when next she came, I will ask why she was absent. That made her become free and look forward to seeing me every Sunday.

There was a day she was telling me a story of what happened somewhere and I gave her an audience. When we were done, one of the teachers walked up to me and asked what that girl who does not talk to anyone told me. She was shocked to see her happily and freely talking to me. With this, I have come to notice that some of these kids need to be loved and cherished, and you will see them perform effectively.

How does the child feel about that need?

She feels so happy she has someone who loves her, and she can talk to, and I know she is happy about that because there are some times I have been too busy to notice her. You will see her trying to get my attention. At some point you see her come and tap me and smile at me.

Just gift a child of something he or her really needs and tell us how the child feels about it

I got my son a toy he had been asking me to get for him, which I told him I could not and that it was too expensive. He has forgotten about it. I got it for him. He was so happy that he thanked me and hugged me countless times; it also gave me joy that I made him happy.

I invite @abisolami, @rossnenye and @blessed bee

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Β  Β· Β 2 months agoΒ 

Thanks for noticing their needs and gifting them