Physics: Force, Momentum, Energy and Power

in hive-139765 •  3 months ago 

It is good to always practice that subject that seems hard. Keep practicing, someday you will get it right. Yes, i have physics to be one of my toughest subjects back then in school but getting back to my books to sort out that difficulty, has been to help me gradually.

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What Is Physics:

Physics is a science that is concerned with the behaviour of matter. Some of the branches of physics include, optics, heat, electricity, sound, properties of atomic theory and matter. Many scientist of different nationalities, like American, British, French, Italian, Russian and Chinese are greatly engaged in the researches of physics.


Force is described as a physical quantity that provides ability to pull, push, accelerate or twist a body which has a direction and it is measured in a unit dimensioned in, mass × distance/time² (ML/T²): SI: newton (N). It can also be defined as the force that acts on a given mass of 1 kil9vramme which gives an acceleration of 1 metre per second square.
The maths equation;
F=ma, where F is in Newtons, M is in kilogrammes and A in metre per second square.


Momentum is related with a body in motion, therefore, Momentum has the tendency of a body to maintain its inertial motion, the product of its velocity and mass or either the vector sum of the products of its velocities and masses. The momentum of a moving object was defined by newton as the product of its velocity (mu or u) and mass (m).
The math equation:
Momentum change = mass x velocity change. Momentum is a vector quantity, force is equal to the rate of change of momentum.


Energy is defined as the capacity to do work. Thus, over rge years, different scientist have defined energy in several forms. The contributors of thus theory are "Kelvin of Scotland, Joule of England and Clausius of Helmholtz of Germany. And they all lived in the 19th century. There are two major forms of energy which include; "kinectic energy, "potential energy". It is therefore illustrated that energy can change frompotential energy to kinectic energy, and vice versa.
The maths equation:
Energy; Work done= force x Distance moved in direction of force. Work is a scalar quantity.


Power is defined as the rate of doung work or expending energy or either? It can be seen as the work done or energy expended per each second. Unit: joule per second or watt, therefore 1 watt = 1 joule per second. Approximately 1 h.p = 750 watts.
The maths equation:
Power= Work done or energy expended / Time taken.

I began with this particular topic, as the basic most of us know. I believe this topic is a friendly one as every member here will get to understand the concept.

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