The diary game: Taking children from my school to children's day. (27/5/2024)

in hive-139765 •  2 months ago 


Hello Steem kids and parents members, it's good to be here again. Happy children's day to all of us as long as we were once children. Being a children's day, there were so many activities for children today at different places, and as a teacher, I was mandated to take some of my pupils and students out today.


In the morning when I woke up, I prayed and prepared to go to school, tho I didn't know that I will be asked to take the children out. When I arrived school, I realised my colleagues were not yet in school, I was disappointed but had to wait. Then, the students started arriving. We decide to go for the event titled'childrens party with MC Boy o Boy' at about 10am. Two buses were called and the students who had paid 1,500 each were called to enter the buses that would take us to the play ground. We had total of 74 children.

Waiting for the buses to arrive

The buses to convey us

Ready for children's day


Even though as early as 10 o'clock, we were ready to leave, but we got delayed waiting for other children to come out. We finally arrived at the venue, 'Doctor's Mess' at 12 o'clock and that was when the event just started. There were lots of activities, the MC of the event who is also a comedian made the children laugh and they had fun. Some of the activities included dancing competition, singing competition, answering questions about Milo and indomie noodles, since they were part of the sponsors, etc. The children were given Milo drink there and also indomie noodles. The event which started at 12 o'clock finally ended at about 6pm. By then, we were all tired and exhausted.

Dancing competition by Indomie noodles after question and answer session

Basketball session with Milo





We left the playground late and on dropping the children at school, I walked back home. The first thing I did was have my bath and take snacks, then I relaxed on my bed. When I stood up, I took dinner which was editan soup and swallow, that is fufu. After I was done, I relaxed a bit by watching Hollywood move titled 'Blowback'. I finally slept because I knew the next day was a working day and retiring early would refresh and revive me for the next day. Not only did the children have fun, I had fun as well. It was a break from the monotony of learning.

My dinner, I don't eat much
All shots taken by me from infinix note 5

Thank you for having me here. Once again, happy children's day.

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