Weekly drawing challenge (week #19: draw an ant) by @eberechieme

in hive-139765 •  2 years ago 
This is my work.

Taken while drawing the small creature

And these was after the drawing, and lastly

What I got after the drawing, so this is all I can do in the drawing though I tried my best too it's now in the hands of the people to grade or rate my drawing.

To complete the task, let's talk about the ant

Describe An Ant

In my little understanding about the ants or small creatures, I can say that they are one of the strongest creatures when you imagine their zise, they are small yet as powerful as a lion. They also the longest living insect in the world which can live even more than a year still depends on their specie.

They belong to the family, FORMICIDAE, have a social habit and live together in organized colonies, we have thousands of species of ant around the world, in clearer view it about 10,000 species of them.

Another thing I know is that they have a wonder and appealing quality, and that is their power and ability to carry loads. They can carry 10 to 50 time their own weight, while some species can carry about 100 times their body mass, for example we have Asian weaver ant.

What Can We Learn From The Lifestyle Of An Ant

There is always a saying, GO TO THE ANT. These saying makes it clear to us that the ants really are wise creatures. During the dry seasons you will see them around all the time working, packing in and packing out foods, they work for what they will eat in the dry season, because they know that they are small and weightless and any kind of rain fall can wipe them out. That's why too you can see them easily during the rain seasons.

So from the we can learn to be calculative and do things with time also it encourages us to be hard working.

Have You Seen One Before? If Yes, Where?

Sure, I've seen alot of them going around working and finding their foods. And have even had some stung and bits from them. Normally ants can be seen everywhere but not all species can be seen everywhere. Most seen ant is the house ant which resides with us around our environment, will other species can be found in the bush.

Are They Important To Man, What Significant Role Do They Play In Humans Life

It is hundred percent agreed that this small creatures are very important to man and plays a very vital and important role in the life of humans. Because they help to creat a healthy topsoil for human and plant, which also enables human to get the more out of their farms. And they do this by digging nests and tunnels, their aerate and turn over the dirt, bringing nutrients closer to the surface of the soil.

And in plant they also help, because most of these plants depends fully on them for their seed dispersal.

If They Are Dangerous To Man Tell Us Their Bad Effect

Mostly all we know about their harmful aspects is that they sting and bits us which hurts us very well. Now let's learn more about the harmful effects the ants have on us. Most of them are poisonous in nature and have toxic venoms in them, let's take the fire ant as a case study here. They are one of the most dangerous ants and needs to prevented from our homes. They stings, and when it stings you, it inserts or injects a venom in you which some times might call for medical attention, and pains.

"symptoms of a fire ant sting vary from person to person. Pain, swelling, redness and itchiness is common around the sting mark. Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, dizziness, chest pain and difficulty breathing may also occur if you have a more serious reaction to the venom
If the venom leads to an allergic reaction, you may experience swelling of the throat that makes it difficult to breathe"source

So this is all I learn and know about the small creature
I also invite @ogwo @precious123 @saintkelvin17 to come and participate in this contest

More regards to @ngoenyi

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@tipu curate

Good luck.


Hi @eberechieme, we do not tolerate plagiarized contents in steemkids community. We will mute you if you are caught doing that again. This will serve as first warning

I gave you a vote for the drawing, look and feel to encourage you to do better next time.
I know you can!

Thank you so much for your concern

You have made a good description about ant and i most say that your drawing is very nice. Best of luck.

Wow you invited me, this is the first time someone is inviting me to join a contest. Thanks so much 🤝.

Your drawing is nice oo, I also love your description on an art. Keep it up

It's cool knowing your ideas about ant and sorry you got a bite from the ant. Thanks for sharing.