Things that can affect a child negatively in future.

in hive-139765 •  3 years ago 

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  1. Broken home: Children from broken or divorced home are normally very tramuatised and it affects them in future. Children that always see their parents fighting when their small tend to become violent and it can affect their marriages in future. Therefore, parents are advised to not fight in front of their children.
  2. Lack of love and time: when parents are to busy to have time for and with their children or they do not show adequate love to their children, their children can become depressed and in some unfortunate cases lead to death. Parents are advised to make out time for their children no matter how busy they are and to ensure that they show adequate love to their children, because if children are not shown love in the family they would look for the love outside.
  3. Bullying: According to Cambridge dictionary, bullying is the behavior of someone who hurts or frighten someone smaller or less powerful often forcing the person to do what they do not want to do. When a child is bullied, the child grows inferior and shy among his peers. He will start feeling insecure and overtime he would start believing he is meant to serve his peers. It will take time for children like this to grow out of that shell.
  4. Parents obsessed with success: When parents did not really achieve what they wanted to achieve or because of certain mistakes they couldn't achieve it. They tend to be obsessed with their children winning especially first child. They put so much pressure on the child and they don't fail to show their utmost disappointment when their children make a mistake or fail in a test or exam. Some parents even go as far as choosing their children career. For example, their was a girl who wanted to study theater art, she had passion for it and was very good with acting. But her parents were against it and made her study Law. That is a typical example of parents obsessed with winning because they see theatre art as a course that is not serious or is not capable of getting the girl a job.
  5. Improper childhood: Children are supposed to play, have fun while learning so that they can make the most out of their childhood and have memories about them. But some children are not given that privilege to have a proper childhood. Most parents feel learning all the time is the best thing for the child. Learning is good but learning all the time can reduce their social interaction. You'll see parents enrolling their children for different foreign language classes or different musical instruments classes without trying to find out if the child is interested in it

Children are the best thing that can happen to a parent. Children are very sensitive and emotional. Therefore, parents are expected to handle them with care, try to get to know your child. Build a strong emotional bond with them. Create and spend time playing with them because their will come a time when they will grow up and it will be like your no longer needed in their lives. But if you used their childhood to be close to them, they will always see need for you in their lives. Parents also note that no one is perfect we all make mistakes, so don't expect yourself to be the perfect parents.

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