in hive-139765 •  4 months ago 


Am delighted to share a warm greetings to you dear friends, hope you all are doing well.

Today I want to write about how I handle my school runs.
First of all, I want to express my gratitude to our Almighty God Jehovah for finding me Worthy to have such a beautiful lovely children, most times when I go out with them, people feel that am a Rich man, that's why my children are beautiful and smart. but these ones forget how God do bless the less privilege.
back to the school runs discussion.

Right from when my first daughter was born DOREEN, which means ever pretty. I make it my habit to drop and pick her up from school everyday, even though it was stressful for me, I didn't mind reasons being that I was after her safety, many children were missing on their way to school, so I vow never to allow my children go to school on their own, many of my friends were like, don't you know that the time you spend dropping and picking your child in school could have fetch you some cold cash? most times I laughed because I know where they were going, they will always say let your wife do her job, that my own duties was to pay the child fees and provide meals. but I was always bold to tell them I love want am doing, that my wife need assistance. secondly i can't entrust my child safety on anyone.


After we had Doreen, God bless us with another beautiful daughter name Matilda, which means mighty in battle. The name befit her so much that she was stronger then the elder sister Doreen, she does not cry unnecessaryly, she is always strong able to withstand pressure at her own level.
And now I was dropping two of them in school.


And finally God bless us with yet another fearless daughter named Nadia, which means Hope, she is such a brave girl, but she eat too much o and fight too much, Matilda who is the second daughter is even afraid of her, because she does not look your face.

Now there are three children going to school from my home, and you know what that means.

School gate closes by 8:05 Am, so you must wake up early, prepare their breakfast, then prepare and package their lunch. drop them off before going to work, and I must time myself to be on standby before the closing bell is rang. I tell you is not easy.
I don't disturb my wife, I take it as my own duty to do school runs, the only circumstances that my wife will do school runs is when I travel or am sick, if not I handle it myself in my own way.

The only time am stressed up is when my wife travel, you know what that means, I need to wake early enough to prepare them for school, feed them and package their lunch. but am grateful to God I make it part of my daily routine, as such it has become part of my life.

In one of the days I was coming back from dropping my kids in school, one of my neighbor stop me and told me that my children are big enough to trek down to school and return, beside the school is not far from home, so why do I disturb myself so much? I smile and told him that should not be his headache rather it should be mind, that I can never allow my kids to go to school alone, talk more of trekking down to school, after telling him that I wave him goodbye.

So what in essence am I saying?
As a husband or wife, you know what is good for your family and will bring harmony, do it, many will tell you, is your wife duty or is your husband duty, never listen to voice of strangers, they can never know the needs of your family, only you know. Secondly always put the interest of your spouse ahead of your own, this will allow peace,unity and love to prevail.

Do you know that there is another thing I do in my household that my wife enjoyed? please check back as the next post will discuss on that.
thank you all for your continued support and encouragement, am indeed greatfull.

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Saya setuju, keselamatan anak adalah yang utama, saya pun mengantar dan menjemput anak saya setiap hari.
Sampaikan salam saya pada anak Anda, dia pasti sangat pintar.
