My fellow people of Steem kids and parents I greet you all. Today wasn't funny at all. As the saying goes there is a time for everything, and so, today one of my colleagues laid his late father to rest and we went and gave him the last respect.
The ceremony was supposed to be a celebration of life well spent, but it turns out to be a sadden event because the children could not let go.
The funeral started in the morning around 10.15am. The deceased was a member of a Roman Catholic Church and maintained his fate till death. The entire process was done in the church. After the mass and all the norms, the body of the deceased was returned to his compound where the grave was made for his final rest.
We ceased the opportunity to take some photos as something to remember.
The deceased family also took a group photo before they returned from the church to their compound.
After taking the pictures we went back to the compound. When we arrived, we met the church about to lay the body in the grave. That was went the children started another phase of weeping. We tried all we could to calm our colleague because she was the youngest daughter of the deceased. We couldn't take photographs of the scene because of the tension.
Thereafter, we all were shown a perfect position to sit for refreshments. Hmmmmm, many of us couldn't eat because of the sadness. But majority of the people were able to drop the feelings and did justice to the food.
These are all what I was able to gather.