Contest ;tell us about your favoritechildhood story ,my participation /10% reward to @steemkidss

in hive-139765 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hy everyone, hope you all are good and well by the grace of allah .
My allah always bless you with success and good health.
Today i am here tell you about my favourite chilhood story.
I belong to a native area so here life is not so fast. When i was a child there was no a television in our home ,the only entertainment that we had was our story books so ,i have great intrest for stories since my child hood.
I had lisened alot of stories from my mama amd grand mama ,but a story named

Ali baba and forty thieves

Story teller of this story was my dear grand mother whom i loved and miss so much.
I was about 10 years old when my grand mother told me this amazing story for the first time,but then i loves this story so much that after this i always asled my grand mother to tell this story.😂😂.


Once upon a time there was a rich man living in a city in ancient Egypt. He had two sons. He was living happily with his family. One of his sons was named Ali Baba and the other was named Akbar. Ali Baba was a greedy and evil man. On the contrary, Ali Baba was a kind man. When this rich man started dying, he divided his entire property between his two sons. After the death of his father, Akbar left his younger brother. The whole property was confiscated. Now Akbar had become a rich man while Ali Baba became a poor man. Akbar married a rich woman who was very clever. Ali Baba got married
In a poor family but to an intelligent woman. Ali Baba used to cut wood from the forest and he used to sell it in the city which was his livelihood but one day when Ali Baba went to the forest to cut wood he sounded the sound of footsteps came as if many horses were coming towards this side of the forest. Alibaba got frightened and hid under the same tree in fear. He saw that these were forty people who were riding horses and had their faces covered with cloth came to this part of the forest toward a cave there ,they had sacks on their horses .Alibaba did not know what was in the sacks.

One of the men, who was probably their leader, got down from his horse and went to the cave. He stopped and then said in a loud voice, "Open up, Sim Sim." As soon as he said these words, a large rock at the entrance of the cave, which had closed the mouth of the cave, slowly opened its mouth. Then the stone completely moved out of the way and all the people including their horses went into this cave. As they enter, the stone came back to its place and the mouth of the cave was closed. He was very surprised to see it. After a long time, they all came out of the cave on their horses. At that time, there was no sack on their horses. It seemed that they had left all their sacks inside the cave. Eventually they left.

Ali Baba got down from the tree and walked slowly to the entrance of the cave and stopped. Baba entered the cave and saw that there was a treasure, somewhere there was a pile of gold and somewhere there were a lot of diamonds. Ali Baba was very surprised to see all this. He had never seen so much wealth in his entire life. He picked up a sack from there and put some gold coins in it. Then he came back and while going out he said the same words "open up sim sim". When he came home, his wife was very surprised to see so much wealth in his possession and he asked her the whole story. Alibaba told her the whole story. There were so many coins that they both could not count them. So Alibaba asked his wife to go to his brother's house and bring the scales so that they could weigh the coins. His wife went to his brother's house and asked for scales from his brother's wife. His brother's wife was a clever and clever woman. The wife said that she had to weigh some grain. Akbar's wife was clever and cunning. She put honey under the scales and gave it to Alibaba's wife. Some of the coins got stuck under the scales with honey. When Ali Baba's wife came to return the scales to Akbar's house, Akbar's wife turned the scales and saw that there were gold coins under it. She was very surprised and She wondered where Alibaba got the gold coins from. When her husband came home, she told him the whole story and asked him to ask Alibaba the secret of the wealth from which he had collected all these coins.

Akbar went to Ali Baba and asked him the whole thing. Ali Baba told his brother all the truth. His brother said that he too will go to the cave tomorrow. Ali Baba told his brother to be careful and he He said to never forget the words "Khal ja sim sim". The next day when Akbar went to the forest, he went to the cave and repeated the same words "open up sim sim". His eyes were amazed to see the wealth. He quickly began to put a lot of treasure in sacks. Finally, after filling two sacks with treasure.
he thought of coming back, but when he reached the entrance of the cave, he forgot the words which The stone was removed from the front of the cave. He tried hard but he still did not remember the words. After a while, the thieves came back. When they entered the cave, they saw Akbar inside the cave. It so happened that their secret is no longer a secret. They killed Akbar and left there with their wealth.

When Akbar did not reach home the next day, Ali Baba and his family became very upset. When Ali Baba came to look for his brother in the cave, he saw his body there. He picked up his body and took it back. When the thieves came to the cave, they saw that Akbar's body was not there. They were very surprised and realized that their secret was no longer a secret. Knows about the cave. So they went to a nearby town and found out who had died recently. People said that Alibaba's brother had died, which made the thieves suspect that Alibaba was the man who My brother's body has been brought from the cave and he knows about this cave. He needed a place to live. Alibaba gave him permission. But Alibaba's brother's wife, being very clever, realized that they would be the same thieves. When ali Baba and the theif were sitting in one place and eating,she came and check these empty cans.There were thieves in them.
She boiled the oil at high temperature and put it in each can ,all the theives died.

Then she Made tea for Sardar and mixed poison in it. When Sardar drank that tea, Sardar also died. Thus, Ali Baba and his family now had the right to all the wealth of this cave and she also revenged the death of her husband

Moral of this story

  • Not to be greedy,as greed is a curse .
  • Intelligence always saves your life . if you use your intelligence and right time .
  • A money that is collected from wrong ways never give you peace .It is always an never make money by wrong ways.
  • No one can harm that person,whom god god saves the alibaba and his family.
  • greed always fall you in troubles so never greed in your life.
  • Always try to make money by good ways,and a halal money.
    I would like to invite my friend
    I have also joined your curation trail and set the reward 10% to the @steemkidss.
    Hope you all like my post.
    Plz tell me about the story and my post.
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alibaba is a very interesting story, and I've also read it before, and have seen several films about alibaba, this story is very popular almost all over the world, thank you for sharing with us here


This publication is free of plagiarism ✅

Thank you

You are welcome 😊😊😊

Thank you so much

Thank you for sharing your childhood story with us here, we really appreciate continue to be active in our community, we appreciate you 💕

Thank you so much for your appreciation.
I am determined to be active in this amazing community

Wow, Alibaba was really cynning and smart.
Thanks for sharing and keep sharing quality content with us

Thanks for loving my story.

Don't mention. It's my hubby.