Effective Communication is the ability to strengthen family bonding? By @furqanarr

in hive-139765 •  4 days ago 
Effective Communication is the ability to strengthen family bonding?

https://steemit.com/hive-139765/@uzma4882/contest-13-or-effective-communication-is-the-ability-to-strengthen-family-bonding I invite @arifuddinn @enrisanti @ifatniza @ifatniza @megaaulia to participate in this contest.


The first function of the family institution is to protect or safeguard family members. One of the reasons for forming a family is to obtain security and protection both physically and psychologically. For this reason, this function is important and must be realized.


A harmonious family is the dream of many people. You definitely don't want a tsunami to happen in your family. One of the main keys to creating harmony in a family is through healthy and effective communication.

Building healthy communication between families is an important foundation in every household. Good communication not only strengthens family bonds, but also creates a supportive and positive environment. Good communication between siblings, father, mother and also between family members can prevent the emergence of unhealthy (toxic) relationships in the family.

A harmonious family is the dream of many people. Surely you don't want a tsunami to happen to your family? One of the main keys to creating harmony in the family is through healthy and effective communication.

Healthy communication starts with the ability to listen. Each family member needs to pay full attention when speaking, showing interest in what the other is saying. This is because each family member has their own thoughts, feelings and experiences that are valuable and worth listening to.

Encourage honesty in communication. Creating an environment where each family member feels comfortable to express their opinions or feelings without fear of being judged is very important. Apart from that, open and honest communication can also help resolve conflicts or problems that may arise.

Understanding the differences between each family member is very important to maintain harmony in the family. Mothers must remember that each individual has a unique and different personality, interests and perspective.

Healthy communication is a shared responsibility. Invite each family member to be active in sharing their thoughts and feelings. It's a good idea for mothers and husbands to involve their little ones in family discussions, especially if it concerns them directly.


Remember, building healthy communication requires time, patience and commitment from each family member. However, with commitment and hard work, mothers and their families can create an environment that is supportive and full of love. By prioritizing positive communication, your family can create a supportive atmosphere, strengthen relationships, and build the foundation for lasting harmony.

cc @uzma4882

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Kadang kala orang tua merasa diri paling benar, maka anak tidak perlu memberi penjelasan kepada orang tua, dan itu awal mula kebencian anak kepada orang tua suara mereka tidak di perhitungkan dalam keluarga. Maka mari mengubah mind set kita bahwa orang tua paling benar.

iya kak, benar sekali
gimana cobak benar atau salah kita harus merhormati dia
