Steemit Engagement Challenge Sw3-w4 : childhood or adulthood, which do you prefer by @hopelopo

in hive-139765 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone greetings to you all and hope we all doing great . Today I will be participating in this very important topic Child and Adults hood
These are stages every human being under goes , it's a circle of transition and transformation, from a point where you are being taken care of to a point where you have to take care of your own self . Each of this stages of life comes with own challenges , advantages and disadvantages and it's something us as human can't avoid as we don't have any choice on which we want to remain in. There is a certain age you are seen as a child and also a certain age when you are seen and expected to act as and adult. I will give more light on this two stages below

1who is considered a child in my country: according to the law of my country #cameroon, a child is seen as a juvenile, it's defines a juvenile as a human being below the age of 18years unless, majority is attire earlier. A child is considered a minor who has not attained the age of 21.

2who is considered as an adult: so from the above defination of a child you can now clearly understand that an adult is one who is from 21years and above , so as from this age the laws sees you differently which means certain punishment could be pass to if you commits any crime .
To conclude this point I will like to say the government has his own age range in which he considers you as a child and an adult while parents have thiers , cause in africa in particular you are still seen as a child even if you are 30years old worst if you still stay at your family house 😂😂😂.
So if I am to choose between child hood and adult hood am sorry to disappoint you cause I will choose childhood 🤣🤣😂😂🤣 reasons will bee seen below
1free from stress: when you are a child you worry less , you definitely have nothing to worry about so your mind is always at peace 😂😂 you go to bed freely without thinking how your tommorow is going to look like so that safe you from a whole lot of mental stress
2 no responsibility : at this age you don't have nothing to take care of since everything is taken care of for you , free food, free money, free clothes and the list goes on
3 excitement: being a child they is a whole lots of excitement, joy and happiness you have, for example the joy you have when you are bought a new dress, first day at secondary school, christmas rice and chicken. This are excitement as a child you turn to have and all this feelings gives joy and happiness which as adults it's hard to have such feelings again.

-Below are some of my childhood pictures I will be sharing with you



Now my adult hood picture, growing up I turned to discover am not really a fan of taking pictures

To conclude I will like to say enjoy and exploit each stage well cause it's only comes once , enjoy being a child and enjoy being and adult.

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Helo @hopelopo i can see that you prefer childhood to adulthood and your reasons are because childhood has no responsibilities, no stress and it has a lot of excitement. I wish you success in this entry my friend. You can also engage with me by visiting my blog as well.


There is a certain age you are seen as a child and also a certain age when you are seen and expected to act as and adult.

As a child, people would see you as a child and expect you to be able to do certain things. However, as you grow older, people will expect you to be able to do more and more. This is the age where you are expected to grow up and become an adult.


A life free of strong responsibilities and worries, the care of parents, games and fun, are some of the reasons that have made you prefer childhood.

Childhood is the stage where the dreams that will guide our adulthood are formed.

Successes in the contest.

Saludos amigo. La infancia es algo maravilloso, tal como expresas, no hay muchas preocupaciones, no hay responsabilidades de mantener una familia o trabajar, y podemos disfrutar de emociones, como la gran felicidad al tener ropa nueva, pasear, jugar, abrazar a mama o papa, entre otras cosas bellas.

Ahora que somos adultos, queremos ser niños otra vez, jajaja. Disfrutemos nuestra vida, recordando lo que fuimos!

Muchos éxitos!!

You still have the exuberance of a youth.So lighthearted and amusing. One can feel it from the tone of your post. This was a good read.