in hive-139765 •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Greetings dear Steemkids Community and all lovers of kids, hope you all are doing great despite difficult challenges

I am happy to participate in this beautiful Contest organised by our own steemkids Community,to share with you my 3 worst childhood chores and why


My 3 childhood worst chores are:

  • Fetching of firewood
  • Fetching of water from the steam 2 times every morning before going to school.
  • Taking dirty clothes to the stream to wash every Saturday.

I am the first daughter of my late parents and life was not really easy that time, using of Gascooker, stove, charcoal stove,borhole, early 1970's ,soud like greek to many families,my family was not different,, immediately i turned 6 years,I became my mother, messenger,helper,PA,hand bag,by then my grandmother was alive,every Sunday of the week,I and my mother will go to her,fetch water, firewood that she will use for a week,we will prepare fufu for her for the week so that it be easy for her to manage other things,I became strong and hardworking at eary age,
At age of 8 my mother started sending me to follow others to fetch firewood and water from the village stream,then we had an Uncle who has Tippa,he use to sell sand,so every morning by 5:am he will horn the Moto so that any child or adult who want to fetch water will join him,my mother will wake me up to join him,we will follow him to stream,he will move to their site while we will go down the stream to fetch drinking water, when we come back ,we will now go again to fetch another one before going to school,if not there will be no water to cook when you come back from school,I did this everyday until the day I got married.

Every Saturdays is washing of clothes in the stream and if don't go on time you will not see a place to spread your clothes,so my mother will wake up early, Prepare food so that I will eat before going to the steam,on my way going to the stream my load will be light because the dirty clothes are dry clothes,but on my way back it will be heavy because is wet now and my load is two,the white clothes will be inside bucket and the rest of the clothes I will back it like a baby .

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Sometimes my mother will talk to me,I will not answer her, send me message,i will not like to go because am tired and angry,in my heart every thing is me,me,me,just me,why me all the time.


Why are they your worst chores?

As a child I need enough time to play, infact I need to play, when i see others playing and am going to the bush to fetch firewood or going to the stream to fetch water or going to my grandmother house to do this and that, you know now ,I felt bad and cheated.And the chores was too much for me that time that is why I hate those chores.

Are they still your worst chores now?

Not at all they are not,now I know that it was training,I am teaching my children from all those things I went through even though,my case is different, their own chores is different from my own but still in general, children don't really love chores until you help them to love it.

Will you encourage your children to hate chores?

The training I received from my parents is helping me today,I will not stop sending my children to do their house chores until they love it and start doing it on their own wether am there or not.


Some worst chores are the best training you will receive from your parents, guidance or from any other person, love,do it and cherish it.

Best regards to

My Achievement 1


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They made you a strong woman,anyone that grew up in the village knows your saying the truth.nice post

Thank you @beautybb,it eas not easy for me that time,i cry almost every day because of heavy load on my head, shoulder or back

Thats y am short self

Nice one dear