Socia Studies Homework post by @imaphil

in hive-139765 •  2 years ago 



Good afternoon everyone. I am so happy to be eligible to write and submit this homework post. Before now it was always only for the kids and now, I was so excited when I saw that the homework can be done by everyone.

Please @udyliciouz our social studies tutor, below is my answers for the homework questions.

Define drugs abuse

Drugs abuse is define as excessive use of drugs like alcohol, pain relief drugs, legal and illegal drugs in the way that is not acceptable.
I can also define it as using a prescribed drugs for the purpose that it was not meant for. From the lesson, I will aslo add that drugs abuse is not only when a person takes drugs in excess, it can also mean taking drugs below the prescribed dosage.

State five uses of drugs

Below are the uses of drugs.

  1. Drugs are used to cure or prevent sicknesses or diseases.
  2. Some people use as means of forgetting life anxieties.
  3. Some drugs are used as antibiotics to kill bacteria amd germs.
  4. Drugs are also used to fight stress
  5. Drugs can be used for restoration and correction of memories.

List and explain the different forms of drugs abuse

There are many ways where drugs can be abused.
Examples are:

  1. Over-dosage and under-dosage: over dosage is when a person takes drugs more than the quantity it was prescribed for him or her by a doctors or any medical practitioners. While under-dosage is when a person takes below the amount that was prescribed for him or her. This act is called under-dosage drugs abuse.

  2. Self-Medication: This is the abuse of drugs where a person just walks into a pharmacy or chemist shop amd buy drugs that was not prescribed for him or her takes it unsupervised. This can also be called over the canters drugs abuse.

What are the major causes of drugs abuse?

There are so many things that causes drugs abuse today, some of which are;

  1. Peer pressure: peer pressure as resulted in some youngsters even adults to abuse drugs today because they are been forced or pressured to do so. And when they can no longer endured such pressure, they succumb to taking some illegal drugs and hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, indian hemp and so on.

  2. Some people abuse drugs because they suffer from sleep disorder and because of lack of sleep, they will take marijuana or any other thing that can make them to sleep.

  3. Some people abuse drugs because they started taking drugs too early in life and as a result of that, they feel they can experiment more drugs.

  4. When some people have financial difficulties, they tend to taking of hard drugs that will make them not to think straight or probably and by so doing, they feel their problems is solved for a while.

Write down your experience with drugs

I have many experiences with the drugs, thw good and the bad ones. As for the good ones, I have been taking drugs that helps me cure some sickness and pains while my bad experience with the drugs was when I took worm tablets on excess. The worm tablets was very tiny and I thought that taking it just two tablets will not take care of my problem so I took 8 tablets. It was very tiny tablets. That happens around 2005 and when I finish taking it, in the next 30 minutes, my eyes started closing by itself without me closing it. I couldn't walk or move again. The whole place was black and I was sweating to the point that the bed I was lying down was soaked as it a bucketful of water was poured on it. It lasted all day untill the next day that recovered.
It was a terrible experience and uptill today, I have not taken such drugs again not even the right dosage let alone abusing it.


Drugs are good substances and are really helpful in curing sickness and diseases. It is not good to abuse drugs for its effects is life-threatening. We shouldn't abuse drugs because we have seen friends and age mate doing so.
I really appreciate our tutor @udyliciouz for her time and effort in developing this material and the topic she selected.

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