Contest || More Espresso , Less Depresso .

in hive-139765 •  last year 

@josepha (1).pngcanvas

Taking coffee is very good especially when you take it in the morning and evening it helps refresh your brain. However, not all varieties of coffee, but the type of coffee that I do take is good enough to refresh someone's brain which is why I like taking it.

☕ What variety of coffee do you like? Do you prefer every day? Share your secret recipe with us.


Topecafe is the variety of coffee that I do like. Topecafe is a 3 in 1 creamy white coffee that is mixed with cafe cremeux. I prefer taking coffee every day to keep my brain refreshed.

I don't have a secret recipe for making coffee other than using bread. Bread is what I like using each time I want to take coffee and I prefer taking my coffee in the morning and evening.

☕ Name different types of drinks that can be made using caffeine.

Different types of drinks can be made using caffeine and chocolate drinks in the first among them. However, besides chocolate drinks, other drinks are named below.

  • Brewed Coffee.
  • Espresso Coffee.
  • Zest Energy Tea.
  • Brewed Black Tea (Standard)
  • Energy Drink.
  • Instant Coffee.
  • Brewed Green Tea (Standard)
  • Cola Soda.

☕ Do you prefer homemade or from outside stores? Also, tell what makes the difference in taste between homemade and Cafe's coffee.

I prefer homemade to outside stores. The reason why I prefer homemade is that I like the way I prepare my coffee to my taste.


However, I think my homemade coffee tastes better than Cafe's coffee because, in most Cafe's coffee, there is too much sugar added into the coffee which makes the taste sweeter than feeling the original coffee taste.

My homemade coffee is always the best because I usually take my time in preparing my homemade coffee and each time I am preparing my homemade coffee I do put little or no sugar into it.

☕ How is the coffee good for health? Name 5 benefits of coffee on health.

Coffee is good for our health because it makes our brains feel more refreshed. Coffee makes us look more active since it is an energy drink that gives us strength and also builds our bones.

Some of the health benefits of taking coffee are;

  • Coffee gives us energy
  • Coffee helps us to lose weight
  • Coffee takes away depression
  • It is nutritious
  • Coffee acts as a pain relief
  • Coffee is the best way to get fiber

Taking coffee during the morning and evening is the best thing we can do for ourselves as its health benefits are very important to human beings. I am using this means to invite: @ruthjoe, @chant, and @dove11 to also contribute to the contest.


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Coffee is one of the several drinks I consume regularly but my consumption is limited and in my own way of making it. My best wishes.