"Weekly Contest 10 || The Diary Game || How I Spent My Day"

in hive-139765 •  3 months ago 

Hi guys.. How are you doing? Am sure you're great.. Its another week of the weekly diary game and am so glad to participate in it. Here, I will be sharing with you about how I spent my day. Read on;





I woke up around 5:30am in the morning, said my morning prayers and dressed my bed. On a norms, i do bathe cold water every morning, but due to the cold weather, I had to go boil water for bathing. While waiting for the water, I started doing my house chores by sweeping, arranging and washing plate. Within few minutes, I was done with the chores. I took the hot water, mix it together with cold water and took my bathe. Next, I dressed up and was set for the day. In order to have something for breakfast, I went to the kitchen and prepared noodles and egg for myself.


When the noodles was done, I ate it and I was also watching the time in order not to be late for work. Before 7:15am, I was through with everything. I carried my bag and left for work. My work place isn't too far from my house. So within 20 minutes, I arrived at my work place. As you all know, am a fashion designer and loves everything that has to do with fashion. When I got to work, I did my daily routine at work by sweeping, mopping, and arranging the shop with my colleagues at work. When we was done cleaning the shop, we open the day by saying our prayers.

I had an unfinished work from yesterday, the skirt I was sewing for my little sister. So, I began to complete it inorder to start a new work for the day. Within an hour, I was done with it and started to sew another cloth for my customer's little baby. Firstly, I had to cut the fabric by taking the necessary measurements for it. I started to sew the baby's cloth after I have finished with all the cuttings. Indeed, sewing this cloth was really hard and stressful because of the stones on the material. But I had to manage and sew it inorder not to disappoint my customer.


It was noon already, I was really hungry. I had to go look for something to eat. So, I stepped out to go buy some snacks to eat. On my way going to the place where I usually buy my afternoon snacks, something really terrible happened. As I was purchasing the snacks, I begin to hear noises from the opposite shop beside us. Soon, people were surrounded and it came to my notice that a man was actually caught in the act of stealing. He tried to steal some packaged groundnut oil from the woman's shop that worth over #10,000 naira. In the act of trying to forcefully put it in his bag, he was caught red handed by the owner of the shop. People around the scene started to beat and torture him. They even had to use rods on his head and body. In fact, he was brutally beaten.


At first, I was in support of the beatings given to the man, but on the other hand, I began to feel for him because he was really beaten to stupor, and I don't like seeing people being wounded or see bruises. I had to hasten up, took pictures of the crime scene and left for my shop. When I got to shop, I lost appetite of eating the snacks but I had to manage to eat in order not to waste my money. After eating, I had little rest and continued sewing from where I stopped. Soon, I was done with the cloth I was sewing and here is the outcome of the little baby's dress.


Soon, it was closing time. We began to pack to close for the day. When we was done packing, everyone left for their different houses. Immediately I got home, my sister was already preparing food for dinner. I had to go in to take my bathe and relaxed on the cushion waiting for the food. Before I could say "Jack", the food was done. She prepared jellof rice with salad. She served us and everyone especially me enjoyed the meal. I even had to request for more..😄 After eating dinner, I log in into steemit to make my post for the day.. Thank you for reading..!!.


Here comes the end of my day.. I know that i didn't have much fun today, but my day was awesome indeed. Thank you once more.. I wish to invite my special friends @ahmneska @entity01 @chiomzy810 to join this interesting contest.


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Cuando el clima está de más de fresco, busca un baño de agua tibia para que el cuerpo vaya refrescando poco a poco y así lograr hacer la rutina diaria.

El tema de la costura me encanta coser y diseñar, aunque no tengo una máquina para hacerlo pero con el tiempo me gustaría obtenerla.

Es lamentable como las personas cometen estos delitos y luego son sometidos tan dolorosos. Espero que haya aprendido la lección y no vuelva a cometer el mismo incidente.

Yes ma.. Thanks for the comment


wow what a stressful day it would have been I wish you success sis

Thanks friend..