Today being 1st of February 2024,was a beautiful day from the start, I wake up early today at 6am,and I observed my morning prayer,I did some 20 minutes workout and iron my clothes that I will be wearing to work, after ironing my clothes I quickly rushed to the bathroom to take my bath.
At about 7:05am,i quicky drove to my sister's house which is not far from mine, and I took my nephew to school, after that I came back home and dressed properly and I set out to work after having my breakfast. I arrived my place of work at about 7:25am and I was the staff on duty handling house inspection along with other teachers.
Blue House
I was so glad seeing the school environment so clean and colourful before I came, it was indeed a massive competition between the house masters of yellow, red and blue house, and I happened to be the house master of blue house and myself and my students along with senior students and prefects in my house decorated the house very colourful and neatly and we also use stones to decorate our house which makes it unique amongst the order houses and my students were able to sing a beautiful song when the house inspectors came to evaluate our house and it was really fun because of the cooperation my students did, which prompted more attention on our house and to cut the story short,blue house emerged as the winner amongst other house.

The winning, really ignited my day and motivated me to do more next time, I was excited and the joy really makes me to deliver my lesson diligently and effectively. After then,i coordinated the students to do the right thing by obeying the rules and regulations of the school and I came back home after school by 2pm so tired and exhausted. I took my bath and I ate my lunch and before I knew it, I am awake by 8:30pm.

I can't really have a sound sleep,if I don't share out my beautiful and memorable experience,which I had today and I took my phone and started to write out my sweet diary experience of this 1st day of February.
I feel delighted sharing this article to my fellow Steemians of this great platform and of this wonderful community.
Thank you for reading through my post @kigbubenedict.
I love you all.