The Diary Game||30-06-2024 ||An interesting moment

in hive-139765 •  6 days ago  (edited)

Hello fellow steemian, greetings to you all. How are you all doing... I trust everything is good if not perfect.
Let me share with you how my day went by.

My neighbor annoyed me yesterday evening, I couldn't sleep well. I went to my bed just getting upset over his impolite way. Just laying down looking forward for the night to round off.
All of the sudden, I slept off.
Woke up by 7;18am, observed my morning prayer as usual, get to the bathroom and brush my teeth.
Stepping out, I decide on checking on my cocoyam farm.
On reaching there, I got motivated on working on my cocoyam farm. So I quickly went to my farm tools, brought out my hoe and went back to the farm to gather sand on the cocoyam so it can bring good yield when due.
I had to do it tirelessly, for over 5 hours before I was then weak and tired. After some while, I then start feeling hungry. My happiness was that I have cover a large portion of it.


After that, I then brought out my cocoa seed and dried it under the sun.
Cocoa is a tree plant that bears fruit . The fruit contains seeds. The seed is then removed from the shell and dry in the sun. The sun is used in producing bournvita, Ovaltine and other by-products.
I had to dry the seed outside where there's sun ☀️


After that, I went inside my house, took my bath, dressed up and rest for the main time.
Till afternoon, my boss called me to come over to his house by 4pm. When I checked my time, it was 2;47pm. I went to the barber shop to barb my hair.
He gave me a nice hair cut.


On coming back home to prepare and rush down to my boss place before 4pm. Not quite long, a heavy rain start falling. It rains over an hour I had to call him and tell him that rain is falling heavily. And he told me to went until it stops.


I waited till the rain stop falling.
On stepping out with my bag, it start drizzling again, and time was no longer in my favor, so I had to force myself into the rain. And rush to the main road, board a tricycle and went to his place. I arrived there by 6;36pm.
He then welcomed me. And ask me to find something and cook. I decide on cooking rice so I can eat it hot with the cool wether so my body can be warm.


I finished cooking by 8;56pm and we eat it separately.
After eating, I then pack the plates and wash it.


After washing, I then tell him goodnight that we will take more tomorrow because it was late already and my body needs to have a neurotic rest.
I went to my room and rest for the day.
That's how my day went by.
Thanks for stopping by.

I invite @Zekanem @goodybest and @rexzitex to participate in this diary game

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