Suprise Gift Of The Childhood?

in hive-139765 •  last year  (edited)


Good day everyone, it has always been a measure to show up here everyday. Firstly, how are you all doing?, Happy new month once again to all of you. so in this contest, I will also be sharing with you all the gift I got when I was a gift and how and when I got it.

A big appreciation to Steem Kids & Parents for making this community a safe space for good contents as well as contests like this to be shared. Also to @drhira for putting up such a nice contest that brings about memories. Hope to be able to share mine and you enjoy it.

What Was The Most Memorable Gift Of The Childhood?

Bluetooth player

This Bluetooth speaker is the most memorable gift of my childhood, I don't think anyother gift has come close to this. I am still using till now ever since my grade 4. By then, using a Bluetooth player was a bit of scarce but I had one, I won't lie, I was always disturbing the compound with it😂. Every day, after charging it, I will just go out and start playing it at a high volume.

So, my mum promised me she will get me a Bluetooth audio player if I would be able to be among the 3 best of my grade 4, first term, I think by then, I was always playing and never paid much time to my books as I should have. This promised made me sit-up. I took my studies so serious then, one amazing thing is, the first term was actually ending on a Christmas season, so it will be a nice one to get this player as a Christmas gift as well as a study gain. At the end of the term, I took second position, I was really happy, I went back, broke the news out to my mum and the next day, when she came back from work, she fulfilled her promise and got me this Bluetooth player.

Who Gave You This Gift

Downloaded from my Facebook page

Just as I said earlier, My late mum gave me this gift after she promised she will get it for me only if I take my studies seriously as well as coming out to be among the three top students at the end of the term. After I did, she fulfilled her promise, ofcourse, she was always a woman of word.

Though this Bluetooth player is going bad but I still enjoy it everytime I get to listen to music in it or news. It reminds me how caring my late mum was, I mean there are days I miss her so much but when I turn on the audio player,I feel she is with me. It also reminds me of when I started taking my studies serious and uptill today I am boast that this single act has made me a brilliant boy. All thanks to my late mum.

Would You Feel Happy On This Surprise Gift?


Happy? I was more than happy, nothing on earth made me as happy as I was that day. Even the feeling that you have seeing in the entire neighbourhood, you're the only kid that owns a Bluetooth audio player, but then, I was using a memory card to play my songs.

That day, after completing the 8 hours mandatory charge as instructed by my mum, I was literally dancing because she gave me a memory card load of songs I loved then. I'm not sure I was able to eat throughout that day when I received this due to happiness. Such memories keeps replaying when I am playing songs on this player. I can't throw this away, it's more than a gift to me right now, also a reminder to work hard because there is always a reward for success.

I invite @emily08, @bossj23 and @wirngo to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading

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Indeed Your mum did create a remarkable memory in you for remembrance,
The Bluetooth seems perfect, I'm already admiring the sound and beat it'll produce.
This is nice.

It does make me reminisce memories with her. Thank you so very much brotherly.

Mother's are the best gift, they'll go extra mile to fulfill their promise. Nice write up and Good luck.

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Mom's are angel sent directly from God to us. They are full of surprises. They will make a promise to buy Christmas clothed and shoes of we take our studies seriously.
They can go extra miles to make us happy.

And may her soul continue to rest in peace.

@megareigns,আপনি আপনার মার নিকট হতে যে ব্লুটুথ প্লেয়ারটি পেয়েছেন সেটা অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে।মার নিকট হতে কোনো কিছু পাওয়া অনেক আনন্দের বেপার।আপনি যে প্লেয়ারটি পেয়েছেন সেটি অমূল্য। কারন এখানে আপনার মার ভালোবাসা জড়িয়ে আছে।ধন্যবাদ আপনার মাকে এমন সুন্দর একটি উপহার দেওয়ার জন্য। ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে আপনার মার দেওয়া উপহার আমাদের মাঝে শেয়ার করার জন্য।