SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home

in hive-139765 •  9 months ago 


👉What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

This distinction rests upon their capacity to perceive and comprehend emotions setting them apart from animals. This ability enables humans to empathize to fathom the pains of others and actively partake in alleviating their suffering.

The essence of charity embodies utilizing the resources bestowed by the godly to not only cater to particular needs but also extend assistance to the less fortunate. It necessitates employing one's surplus wealth after fulfilling particular obligations for the betterment of society.


This unique attribute of feeling of understanding and sharing in the tribulations of others defines the essence of being mortal. The act of charity echoes this sentiment underscoring the responsibility incumbent upon individuals to use their blessings for the collaborative good. Through this selfless endeavor humans not only elevate themselves but also uphold the sanctity of compassion and collaborative support fostering a world where empathy reigns supreme.

👉What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others?

The fervor within humanity serves as an unequaled driving force. When one extends aid to alleviate another's anguish it cultivates a complementary environment wherein during particular adversity assistance emerges from unanticipated quarters. This cycle of empathy propels individuals towards charitable conduct. In Islam charity assumes profound significance marking an obligatory tenet contestant upon every Muslim. The essence lies in fostering a community where collective support and compassion thrive. This ingrain mortal inclination when embraced and nurtured becomes a beacon guiding individuals towards acts of kindness and benevolence. The interplay between aiding others and receiving assistance during trials embodies the essence of charity underscoring the essential duty of every believer to uplift fellow beings in times of need.


👉When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home?

I generally believe promoting charitable deeds is not suitable yet I am addressing it here due to two reasons. this post holds an inquiry that warrants attention prompting me to respond. I aspire for this action to inspire a culture of giving among individuals.

It's a widely known fact that my father has passed away leaving my mother responsible for managing all affairs in our household. Despite the circumstances my mother valiantly handles all the arrangements showcasing resilience and strength.

While I hesitate to draw attention to acts of charity the significance of addressing the query at hand and fostering a collaborative spirit of benevolence propels me to briefly mention these efforts. My intent isn't to boast but to highlight the importance of selfless giving in our society.


In essence my motivation springs from a desire to answer queries and, more significantly to cultivate an ethos of generosity among us. My mother's strength in managing our household during grueling times serves as a testament to resilience and fortitude inspiring the ethos of giving back whenever possible.

Your advice to others about charity

I strongly encourage readers to consistently support the depressed and extend kindness towards them. While multitudinous individuals strive to uplift their lives numerous still linger in dire need of assistance. It remains pivotal to constantly aid those requiring support.


Speaking specifically of my homeland our nation is grappling with an profitable crisis. This crisis has amplified the struggles faced by multitudinous citizens magnifying the importance of lending a helping hand.

It's imperative irrespective of geographic boundaries, to embrace a compassionate outlook and contribute to alleviating the plight of those less fortunate. In times of profitable instability the responsibility to support the vulnerable becomes even more burning. By advocating for empathy and extending assistance, we forge a path towards a more flexible and inclusive society. I implore everyone to continue their efforts in aiding those in need fostering a culture of compassion and solidarity that transcends the challenges we face.

Invite @nayabshafqat @anelafatima @m-fdo @zory23 @steemdoctor1 @faridi1

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  ·  9 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

  ·  9 months ago 

Hola @nabeelsaqib

Coincido con las ideas manifestadas acerca de la caridad es otorgar recursos favorecer y atender a las necesidades de personas en estado de vulnerabilidad
Como dices

fundamental ayudar constantemente a quienes necesitan apoyo.

El cual debe ser de manera desinteresada

Saludos, éxitos y feliz año nuevo que esta por iniciar