Effective Communication is the ability to strengthen family bonding by @patienceukanah

in hive-139765 •  3 months ago  (edited)


Hello esteemed kids and parents in this community and all the admins .
It's beautiful coming to write once again on a contest organised by @uzma4882 regarding family issues. Thanks so much ma / sir.

Happy new month to everyone with the love of Christ . This is our month of rest from all our struggules. The Lord has said so and no man can stop it .
Alright let's dive into the business of the day.

Let's look at some definitions before the main topic

What is a family?



Family refers to a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption, who share a common bond, identity, and emotional connection. It includes. Parents,. Children ,Siblings. Grandparents and the rest of the extended family.
It can also be a unit that shares values, traditions, and experiences and provides strong emotional, financial, and physical support. They have common sense of belonging and identity providing a sense of belonging, love, and support for its members.

What is communication



Communication is the process whereby information, ideas, or messages between individuals, groups, etc are exchanged.

Communication must involve Sender, receiver and the channel through which the message is passed and there must be a response from the receiver to the Sender.

What does effective communication involve?

Effective communication involves:

Clarity: the message passed must be understood by the receiver otherwise there will be no action.

Accuracy: The information passed must be accurate,correct and reliable information
And also active listening with Facial expressions, body language, and tone of
Voice also help in effective communication

Effective communication is essential in the family build relationships, trust , understanding, resolve conflicts, and achieve goals.

Effective communication within the family can:

Prevent misunderstandings,avoid conflicts and resentments by clarifying expectations and needs.
It also helps to foster empathy,Understand each other's perspectives and feelings, promoting a supportive environment.

Effective communication in the family can encourage honesty, starting the parents to the children because children imitate what they see and hear and very fast too. It Create a safe space for sharing thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment.
It can Build trust among family members and every one rely on each other.

Where parents had issues known to the children or other family members, effective communication can help
resolve conflicts, address issues and reduce the likelihood of lingering resentments. When the children see that the conflicts between their parents has been resolved, everyone becomes happy again

The need for effective communication cannot be over emphasized as it support personal growth, encourage open dialogue to help family members develop emotional intelligence and self-awareness It also create a sense of belonging,fosters a feeling of being heard, valued, and loved.
It Goes a long way too to strengthen family bond

Here are some instances where effective communication has strengthened family bonds:



Family Meetings Regular family meetings where everyone shares their thoughts, feelings, and concerns, promoting open dialogue and resolution of issues can strengthen family tie

Active Listening Where a father gives his full attention to his children ,listening to their problems and offering guidance, making the child f or children feel heard and understood

Honest Apologies: As parents especially a mother apologizing to her child or children for losing her temper, explaining her actions and making amends, teaches the child the importance of accountability. Such children will learn to apologise too to their spouse when they grow up So apology is a very important tool for strenghing family bond

Children should also be allowed to express themselves emotionaly so as to avoid pear influence and they stop expressing themselves to the family members. An example can be a son sharing his feelings with his family about his struggles in school, receiving support and encouragement, helping him feel less alone

Showing Appreciation :As a daughter express gratitude to your parents for their support, acknowledging their efforts and making them feel valued.

Open Discussion,Non-Judgmental Feedback and sharing Traditions eg folk tales help to strengthen family bond


All said and done supporting each Other's goals, Building trust and understanding Preventing misunderstandings and conflicts are great ways to build family bonds and have good communication.

I will ike to invite my friends to join me in this great contest:
@mesola,@princelafresh and @ekemini5
Thank you for taking time to read through my post.
I remain @patienceukanah

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Ok madam thank you