Exploration-s23w5/Track Markers.

in hive-139765 •  7 days ago 


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Hello, it feels good to be here for this week learning, this week learning makes me to be more observant about my environment and i am really grateful to @karianaporras for this week learning and also the exploration challenge. I learnt and also had fun.

Task One

Locate 3 natural trails and 3 artificial trails in your area and explain what each of them is about.

Natural Trails

With the little understanding i got from this week learning, natural trail is like a natural guide, natural things that can act as a guide in that environment, so i look around my environment to see if i could see some natural trail in my area.

The first i saw was tree planted so as passengers can wait there for vehicles, it also act as shield for the sun and different passengers get to wait here, including myself.

The second one was stones, i saw the beautiful stones by the way and they majorly signify that you can get that type of stones in that area or the stones are for sale in that particular location.

The third natural trail i saw was where they sell naturally cultivated flowers, the flowers was arranged by the way side to show and tell anyone passing by that such flowers are available there.

StonesWhatsApp Image 2025-03-22 at 6.52.06 AM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2025-03-22 at 6.53.43 AM.jpeg
FlowersWhatsApp Image 2025-03-22 at 6.53.42 AM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2025-03-22 at 6.53.42 AM (1).jpeg


WhatsApp Image 2025-03-22 at 6.53.41 AM.jpeg

Artificial Trails

This simply means man made guides, that can help you navigate your environment and while on my way to work, i was able to snap an image which represent that there is hospital in that area, the H sign that signify hospital.

The next artificial sign i snap, was a road sign, this was there to direct people on the way to go and also awareness, on the sign post was written the name of the road you are taking, the will help to direct anyone taking this route.

And the third one is a restaurant sign post, which i found interesting, they way they advertise themselves. This can easily tell anyone there is a restaurant in that environment.

The Hospital signWhatsApp Image 2025-03-22 at 6.53.44 AM.jpegThe Road signWhatsApp Image 2025-03-22 at 6.53.42 AM (2).jpeg

The Restuanrant sign postWhatsApp Image 2025-03-22 at 6.53.42 AM (3).jpeg

Task Two

Trace a path in your area and use the clue signs to locate each space on the map accordingly. Remember to use elements of the environment and nature to form the clues.



Explain in your own words the path you followed, the elements you used, and where you arrived

I started the journey from my house and i used the cross sign#️⃣, i used the wooden stick in the area to do the cross sign, to indicate that the journey has started.

Then i continue going forward for about one minutes and few seconds, i use the forward arrow to indicate it➡️, then i kept going till i got to the place where i had to turn to the other side↗️, the materials are used are mostly wooden and stones, those are what i found in the area. I also used a cross sign to indicate the path to avoid ❌ before heading to my destination.

In less that three minutes got to the end of track⏺️, my destination was a minimart where i went to get bread.


What did you think of this week's homework? Did you know you could leave clues in a very simple way? Was this course easy for you to complete? What was the most difficult part, and what did you learn?

This week home work is an interesting one, i learnt so much, there tracks and clues can actually save lives and makes people to be more aware of the environment.

It can also act as a game my family and i could use to find each other. I love this so much and i am glad i was able to partake in this week homework.

Before the homework i had no idea i could leave clues in a simple way like this and i am glad to learn this, as i love to learn new things that are applicable.

Its wasn't that difficult to do, i think the hard part was thinking of the natural trail and where to find them but it all i learnt so much about the signs and also to pay attention to my environment. Thanks once more for the learning and the tasks.

I will like to invite others @mophebe @charis20 @milakz to come partake in this week home work

All image used in this post was snap using my Nokia smart phone.

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Hola, que bueno ver tu publicación y que te hayas animado a participar en este curso; Exploration-s23w5/Señales de Pistas.

Entendiste muy bien lo que son las señales naturales y artificiales que nos permiten seguir un camino.

Haces un croquis de un camino utilizando las señales de pistas hechas con elementos naturales desde el inicio de pista, final de pista, los cruces y el camino no permitido.

Espero ver tu participación la próxima semana, 😉.

Observaciones y sugerencias:

Pistas Naturales2/2
Pistas Artificiales2/2
Camino en la localidad2/2
Pistas elementos Naturales2/2
Presentación general1.8/2
Puntaje Total9.8
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Verificado en: 22-03-2025

Thank you so much, this made my day.