Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2: Impact of Technology in kids lives:: by @richy20 note 10 payout to @steemkidss

in hive-139765 •  2 years ago  (edited)



hello belove friends how are you all doing I hope all are moving good sorry fir not being active due to some certain challenge I hope am forgiven am here to discuss and educate you all on impact of technology in kids lives I promise that after the end of this lesson that you all will have allot to has done both negative and positive effect to the live of all kids in the nation at Large it has widen the knowledge and experience of our daily lives firstly I will like to discuss on the meaning of technology and its impact to our daily lives


technology has done more good than harm to our daily lives I believe so this has impacted more knowledge to us and the nation at large the term technology is defined in many ways but in my own understanding it is defined as those knowledge that has improved our daily lives technology has also improved our daily lives in so many ways for example our forefathers normally trick to reach their destination but through the help of technology it is now easy to get to our destination through the means of air water and land transportation

  • impact of technology
    it has help to make communication more easier and faster
    it has help in transportation of good product and service to be more faster and also help in time saving
    it has made movement from one place to the other faster and easier
    it also contribute in impacting more knowledge to kids bitg educationally ajd socially.
    technology has done more good to us and also help things and faster this days in the olden days this were more difficult but through the help of technology this has being considered easier and faster it has many positive and Negative effect on kids which are

positive and negative effect on kids

technology is very good and also dangerous also helps in impacting knowledge to all kis and also help to discourage kids from achieve things in life

  • technology impact and supplies positive more knowledge to kids and also help to increase their intelligent and brilliant
  • it makes children'/kids to be more creative
  • it helps children to be independent in learning
  • it helps Childerns to learn good morals
  • it helps in widen someone thinking positively
  • it helps kids to communicate with family members easier and faster
  • it helps in bringing positive ideas for achieving successful things in life
  • it helps kids to be more expose in successful things
  • it helps to improve their modes of thinking

negative impacts

there are many negative imapcts on kids which are

  • less attention and unserious with their academics
  • it makes kids to some the habit of watching ponograpics picture of naked women and people having sex this is the most dangerous accept that I hate to much this has mad many kids not to achieve successful things in life and also hinder them from growing .
  • this always make kids form the habit of being lazy.lazy kids
  • it makes then not to grow successfully and hinder them from growing morally .
  • less attention in class
  • it has leads many kids into many dangerous acts and decrease their moral lives

My rate between the positive and negetive

I true that technology has negative effect on kids but I stands to the say that the positives is more good and doing working and helping our daily lives as a kids technology has made things more easier for kids now a days our generation today is full of technology and it is helping our society in a big ways children should always do things with the help of technology because it is not stressfull kids should also minimaxise them selves because it has effects which are not good

How we can control over exposure of kids

this is very good we should know that too much or excess usage of things has affect kids should maximise the usage of technology though it is good but there is time for very thing the following steps include this

  • teaching them the disadvantage of using technology
  • encouraging them about outdoors activities
  • avoid the too much use of technology
  • discipline if the refused.


I will like to invite @chukwu10 @innocent10 @graceani and @focusnow to join this contest my regards to @ngoenyi for her good effort to see that this community strive forward

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Hello friend, I'm glad you know about the benefits of technology as well as it's disadvantages. It affects the children in many negative ways such as making them to isolate themselves and filling their brains. I'm sure you'll make wise use of it yourself. Thank you for participating in the contest