in hive-139765 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hey everyone,
Welcome to another week of word definition. This week we are defining Proof Of Brain as used on the platform and i would like to try this word challenge too. I am also grateful to @steemkidss for always giving us wonderful and insightful challenges that we learn from.

What is Proof-Of-Brain?


First of all, my science teacher taught me that the brain is the central controlling organ in the body as it controls the thoughts, memories, emotions, visions, breathing, temperature, etc. It works together with the Spinal cord to make up the central nervous system in the body. From the description above, it shows that the Brain coordinates most of the activities in the body. All systems in the body are monitored and done in a networking system between the brain and other parts.

Proof-Of-Brain is a word that is used in blockchain technology to mean the combined independent insights working together to realize or validate good content/ use of people's independent knowledge and wisdom to determine content value. People use their wisdom to add value or find value in the content on the blockchain.

It's Importance

It is important to understand it because it is the basis of an eco-system of social blogging blockchain that powers quality content creation, helping users to give value to good content while using the reward pool. On Steemit, using the proof of brain helps users to upvote good content or down vote it and re-distribute it to the pool. Users on the platform take time to go through the content and checking it for plagiarism. If found free of it, they can go ahead and vote it depending on their independent judgement or wishes. This helps to discover new and quality content.

How can you apply it?

Proof of Brain can be applied by using the upvote and downvote options of the Steemit platform for users. When you upvote, you place value on good content while using the reward pool. When you downvote you re-distribute the money back into the pool. This process is called curating.

  • To Upvote a post, you hit the button that points up and how much the post earns depends on how much investment the voter has on the platform as shown by their Steem Power.
  • To down vote a post, you hit the button that points below.

How does it relate to our stay as steemians?

Proof Of Brain keeps the blogging network going because it creates a circulation of quality content and information on the Steem blockchain. Without proof of brain Steemians would not be able to curate other users and also give value to the platform that has become a much sought after blogging space.


Some of it's challenges include the following;

  • Plagiarism; Sometimes the authors may write up some material that does not belong to them and not give the right authors due reference. This makes the platform lose its value in content creation and undermines other people's efforts.
  • Self Upvote; Sometimes people upvote themselves and this is not a good thing
  • Other users do not find time to make genuine comments on other user's articles and this makes communication hard and artificial/ unreal. This limits engagement.

Why should we make use of it despite the challenges?

Despite the challenges that come with Proof Of Brain, we should make use of it because plagiarism will be monitored and banned from the platform when caught. he culprits learn a lesson of not doing it again. At school when my teacher beat my hands for poor handwriting, i learnt to write in an organized way better than before.

To add this, despite other users not engaging on content posts, other users will engage and the few that do so continue to be the support base for the platform.

Thank you so much for this word definition series and i hope i gave it my level best in defining what the term Proof Of Brain means. Bye- Bye.

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Well done for explaining your thoughts on the matter.