Steemkids community Mourns: @mariajruizb Is Now Late

in hive-139765 •  2 years ago  (edited)


With a heavy heart, steemkids community Mourns the death of one of our MOD's in the person of @mariabruizb who died just this morning.

She is married to @danieldedosd2 and their marriage was blessed with 2 lovely kids who are also kids of this great community, with the Usernames @dreamystar and @josecent.

Mariajruizb is from Venezuela and has been serving as steemkids community MOD right from when the community was founded.

She loved kids a lot and that was what attracted her to the community. The first time I had encounter with her was when she made a contribution of 10 steem to steemkids thinking that it was our official account. But when I told her that is was not, she felt so bad and still transferred another 20 steem this time to the right account just on her own to show how dear the kids are to her.

She has handled some projects for the community that contributed to our growth and she is very selfless in service. She is a music teacher and as such,she has handled a project called kids dance party. It was very successful.


She also at some point in time handled our food Challenge. She served the community with great love and passion.

What led to her death?

This is a good question. Well, she has been battling with serious illnesses for some time now. She has also undergone some surgeries which she told me about. We had a cordial relationship and we cherish her a lot and her dedication to her duties. The last time she chatted with @ngoenyi was on the 28th of May after she has been inactive for some time. I asked to know what the problem was and below is the screenshot of her response



It was disheartening to hear these but all the same, since she was going to do for a treatment, we thought she was going to come back to us. But no. This time around,she couldn't survive it. We mourn our dear one, we mourn you dearly 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

But one thing is sure, you were a very good person. We couldn't have understood what you went through but be rest assured that the Almighty understands it best and he will surely bring you back to live through a promise of a resurrection which he promised. We miss you and your family miss you too. We love you too and you will remain in our memories.







Dance Party Baile

It was @alejos7ven that broke the news to us


He then gave us the contact of her friend that told him , @reinamia. I quickly contacted her on WhatsApp because the news was hard to believe. She confirmed the same thing but I wasn't satisfied. I requested for the husband's contact which I was given and behold, he just confirmed the news. The husband, @danieldedosd2 told me plainly that her wife just passed out


@mile16 also confirmed the same news
It was so devastating! The whole kids especially the early kids know her very well. We can't bear this alone. We and the family needs the strength from the Almighty to cope. Rest on dear sister. We love you. Until we meet again to part no more.

This post is dedicated 100% to her account. Her husband gave a go ahead to use her account.

100% to @mariajruizb

Cc: @steemcurator01

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Querida amiga has hecho una reseña muy sentida acerca de nuestra bella marijo como le decíamos aquí de cariño, todos estamos tristes por su perdida pero sin duda los mas desconsolados son sus familiares y amigos cercanos, por eso este mensaje es para ellos:

Cuando un ser querido nos abandona físicamente es como si nosotros también dejáramos de existir y nada en los días próximos calmara el dolor de tan importante perdida, pero luego con los días y un poco mas calmados podemos meditar en las palabras de nuestro ejemplo a seguir Jesús encontradas en la biblia, donde su autor JEHOVA nos promete que una persona que nos ha dejado solo esta dormida en la muerte y tal como jehová mediante Jesús pudo levantar a lázaro, a la hija de Jairo y otros mas de igual manera en su momento devolverá la vida de las personas que están en su memoria, y nuestra bella maria ruiz seguramente esta allí en la memoria dl todopoderoso esperando el llamado para ser levantada de entre los que están dormidos. Si desea mas información al respecto sin compromiso alguno estaré a la orden para cualquier usuario a saber mas del asunto.

Que jehová les de fortaleza a su esposo, hijos y demás allegados.

La vida es así, aunque no podamos entenderlo y aunque nos duela, hoy le tocó partir a ella y solo dios sabe el por qué.

Mis más sentido pésame para toda su familia. Es muy doloroso saber que niños han quedado sin madre o que una madre ya no podrá ver crecer a sus hijos "físicamente". La vida parece injusta, las cosas buenas y malas no siempre le pasan a quienes se lo merecen. Seguramente Dios la está necesitando en el cielo para alguna actividad especial.

Todavía no lo puedo creer.

No nos queda más que aprovechar cada día para ser felices con las personas que queremos, las cosas materiales pueden recuperarse, pero nunca recuperaremos el tiempo, y siempre nos damos cuenta tarde. La vida es así, hoy nos despedimos de alguien sin saber si será la última vez.

Muy ciertas tus palabras querida @saracampero nada es mas importante que compartir con nuestras seres queridos y todo lo demás puede esperar y ser recuperable.

En muchos videos vemos como compartía feliz con su familia y ese es un buen ejemplo que podemos adoptar de ella.

So sad, I can't hold myself right now. It is so disheartening. 😭😭😭😭

Like seriously 😒 I'm still finding it out to believe that this news is true.. @mariabruizb was a Great person and I have known here for a while now. I came to know of @mariabruizb about 6months ago when the #curatorteamapplication was launch for the first time.. I had to contact her personal on telegram and we formed a team together that month. From then, we became use to with each other and I always admire her work here on steemit. Oooooh😭😭 God, what a great lost 😭😭🤦🤦... I write this with a bitter heart and I just wish I could be dreaming..

What ever the case maybe, If it's really true then I Know you are In heaven now with God because you where a kind, loving, caring and hardworking person. May your soul Rest in perfect peace @mariajruizb

Fuerza para la familia de Maria y deseando que su alma descanse en paz, una mujer tan talentosa ahora irá a cantarle a los ángeles, demos un minuto de silencio por ella .

I am really short of words. Maria was such a loving, compassionate, kind, energetic, lovely, humourous woman. I lack words to to totally describe how good she was.

Working with her this past one year was a great delight. She brought sunshine to the community through her musical talents.

Spoke with her via WhatsApp call sometimes. Even though we were across boundaries, we were still close together.

May the Almighty God Jehovah, grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss. May He also comfort the entire family through out this mourning period.

I sincerely sympathize with the entire family crying as I am dropping this message.

I pray may she be remembered during resurrection to be reunited with the family once more.

@mariabruizb I sincerely miss you.

Oh goodness this is really sad 😭😭😭😭😭

@mariajruib es un ángel que estaba prestada en la tierra, dejó un legado maravilloso en sus hijos y un extraordinario esposo que velará por ellos. Sus amigos la extrañaremos, mi madrina Dios necesitaba a la mejor voz , quería que los ángeles cantaran bajo tu dirección.
Te voy a recordar siempre bella, talentosa, sonriente y ese don de gente que solo tú tenías. Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre María José

This is disheartening and hard to believe but death is inevitable to all mortals.
May her soul rest in peace.

I can't even believe that this happening right now. Please tell me this is not true 😔😭🥺😢😩😢😫😯😩😩😯.
Why Is life so unpredictable why is life so bad.
What happens to her family now, oh my I don't even know what to say.
Is this how wicked life is, so cruel to take the life of even such and innocent person like aunt Mariajruizb.
She was such a kind loving and beautiful person in heart.
Why will death take all the good people and leave the bad people instead.

Please come back to Me i miss you So much, just let me hear your voice one more time please.

Qué triste noticia y que sentimiento tan profundo nos alberga por la perdida física de María. La recordaré por su hermosa voz y esa carisma para conmigo y todas nosotras.

Un abrazo a su esposo, hijos, Dios les regalé mucha fuerza en este momento de dolor.

May she rest on.

Dios la reciba en su gloria y le de a su familia serenidad y mucha fortaleza para afrontar esta perdida...🙏😔
Te recordaré dulce y sonriente, siempre con palabras de alegría! 💖 🙏 Descansa en paz querida María... 💖😔

Que triste noticia, no tengo palabras, lamento mucho esta perdida de nuestra querida e inolvidable Maria, siempre la recordare con cariño..

Vuela alto amiga Maria Ruiz. No es un Adiós es un Hasta luego, eres y seras siempre un ser maravilloso.

Entonces Jesús le dijo: Yo soy la resurrección y la vida. El que cree en mí vivirá, aunque muera; y todo el que vive y cree en mí no morirá jamás

Una noticia que nos estremecio, María gran persona usuario y amiga que por mucho tiempo compartió con nosotros.

Su voz se ha ido al cielo para cantar con los angeles.

Mucha fortaleza para su esposo @danieldedosd2 y sus hijos, igualmente bendiciones para la mamá de María, quien nos alegro con su llegada.

Una noticia que me robó tristezas, Maria me aplaudían al bailar y me motivabas hacerlo, te abrazo y pido por tu descanso eterno.

So bad to hear news like this. We just can't avoid to think we're staying here right now and tomorrow, who knows. Only our beloved almighty God that knows when it's the time for each of us. Rest in peace dear venezuelan and steemian friend. 💫✨

Deepest condolences to her family .may the Almighty God strengthen them.

Rest in peace dear

Oh my goodness, what a great lost. You are too young to die dear @mariajruizb. But God knows the best. Am crying deeply because I admire your hard work in this Community. I will miss your pretty face. May the almighty comfort your family members.

This is indeed a great loss. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

Hmmmmm 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this is so disheartening, may Jehovah console her family members.

What a terrible world are we? Why losing such a beautiful lady? Who will take care of her kids? All this question keep on running in my mind. What a painful death, may her soul rest in peace.😭😭😭😭😭😭

O My Goodness!!! Life is truly like a mist 😭😭😭😭😭 this is sad 😭😭😭

Ooohhh what a pity?!!! It is so sad to see one of us leave so soon. May her gentle soul rest in peace

This is really shocking. Let her family take heart.

Esta es una noticia triste e inesperada, espero que Dios les de fortaleza a la familia de María y que les ayude en todo este proceso 🙇‍♀️, desde mi corazón mis condolencias para sus seres queridos...

This is unbelievable. I took turns with her to work in the community.

I'm sure she's at a better place now. May God give enough strength to the family to endure this great loss.

Maria!! You will always be remembered.

😭😭😭😭😭😭 so painful

Chaii this life is like a market rest in peace

Congratulations my friend, keep consistent and do your best!

We are very sorry to hear of the sad death of @mariajruizb.

Our thoughts go out to her family.

The Steemit Team

We all are mourning her together. It's just a pity how such talented artist's life just ended. We can only pray for solace on behalf of the family and for us all. We sincerely appreciate your generosity @steemcurator01

This is so sad. We will miss everything she did here on Steemkids. May God grant her family the fortitude to bear this loss.

I still can't believe this 😭😭😭

Que triste noticia saber que otro persona buena va al cielo 🙏🏻 en algún momento mi mami tuvo un contacto virtual con ella para una sugerencia de mis actividades en este bello mundo virtual la recordaremos mucho como una buena profesora 😭😭😭😭

This is such a disheartening news, may God protect her family, strengthen the husband and guide her kids right.

This is too sad. Such a beautiful soul. May she rest in peace and may her family and loved ones find solace.

Dios conceda el descanso eterno a María José se notaba su pasión con los niños y con la plataforma. Mucha fortaleza y fe para los familiares.

This is very very heartbreaking.
Prayers for her family.

Es una verdadera pena!! la noticia nos impactó a todos :( que descanse en paz!

May her soul rest in peace

Me uno al dolor que embarga a toda la familia de Steemit. Sin duda, @mariajruizb tiene un lugar especial en el corazón de todos los que la conocimos por este medio. Solo resta orar y pedir a nuestro Padre celestial que brinde la fuerza necesaria a su amado esposo, a sus amados hijos y a todos sus seres queridos... Que encuentren la paz en la promesa de la resurrección. “Viene la hora en que todos los que están en las tumbas conmemorativas [...] saldrán” (Juan 5:28, 29).

So sad story. Who can question God He knows better. May her soul rest in peace

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Thanks a lot

Some how i feel bad opening this post to read, because it met me at a very wrong time.

This is the worse news i have ever heard today😭, and it's so heart broken.

But i don't have to avoid it because someday, we would all die, thats the sad part about life.

It's so sad to see a young vibrant mother like this leaving her lovely kids behind, oh no..., thats sad.

I hope and pray that the True God Jehovah Comfort her family and Console the children, this is so hard to bear and the worse thing i've heard in the steemit blog so far.

Please, accept my heartfelt Condolence, this is a great loss😢.

Oh my God what a great lost, life is like a mist, appears for just a day and disappears tomorrow, all that we are can quickly fades away, replace with tears and sorrow, we need to have hope in Jehovah God that he will call and the dead will answer. They will live at his command. Also have faith, and not wonder,For our God can make us stand and come back to life.And we will live forever, as the work of his own hand. Though it is sad an disheartening, I know we will meet again in God's kingdom when sickness and death will be no more and we will live forever on earth and enjoy life. My heart felt sympathy to the family and dear ones.🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🤷😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

O dear,am very sorry for the lose.😭😭😭😭

So painful 😰😰, such a great lost to us all on steemit, she is such a beautiful woman. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Que lamentable noticia, Se ve tan joven. Que descanse en paz y que fortaleza para todos sus familiares y amigos.

This is so painful and heartbreaking 💔😢

Please accept my heartfelt condolences 🙏🥺

This is so disheartening 😢
May her cheerful soul rest in peace

Mi corazón se arrugó al ver está noticia 😢😔

Levantemos una oración de fortalecimiento por sus familiares y mantengamos represente los mejores momentos que nuestra amiguita @mariabruizb nos compartió durante todo este tiempo.

Saludos cordiales.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

Very sad news that we have all received. Although I didn't know her, I can tell that she was a good, hard-working woman with a big heart. God have her in his holy glory, my deepest condolences to her family.

Que triste noticia, deseo que el padre celestial le de fortaleza a su esposo, hijos y allegados para que puedan soportar su perdida, es muy difícil ese dolor, mi mas sentido pésame.

This is sad!

I can't hold back the tears!!!

such a tender heart full of love.

May her soul rest in peace. Amen.

Increíble! Después de tanto tiempo sin venir a la plataforma y justamente encontrarme con tan lamentable noticia.

Desde hace unos días sentí la necesidad de volver a escribir, y encontrarme con esta noticia 🥺me hace pensar, que era está hermosa amiga que me llamaba con el pensamiento.

Siempre me apoyo con sus valiosos comentarios en cada publicación.

Creo que no es una noticia fácil de aceptar, definitivamente @mariajruizb irás a iluminar con tu presencia un hermoso cielo.

😔Fortaleza para sus familiares🙏

La familia @cryptokids lamenta la perdida de nuestra amiguita @mariajruizb quien en vida nos mostró lo apasionada que era en el mundo de la música y lo mucho que le gustaba apoyar a quienes lo necesitaba.

Fue alguien muy quería dentro y fuera de la plataforma por ser una persona amable, cariñosa y sobretodo de un gran corazón.

Sabemos que no hay palabras que alivie está tristeza, pero le pediremos a Dios que le brinde mucha fortaleza a sus familiares para que sigan adelante.

Siempre será recordad por todos nosotros amiguita 😢❤️

Oh my Goodness.. She was such a cheerful and supporting woman.. My heart feels so heavy by hearing the news. May she rest in peace.

May her soul rest in peace...condolences!

Bad news for us all. My condolences to her family

Una noticia muy dolorosas, sé que era persona entregada, amorosa y disciplinada en lo que hacía, además sus hijos tan pequeños.. Seguro está en este momento al lado de Dios... Mucha fortaleza a sus familiares🫂