Are the series affecting us?

in hive-139765 •  2 years ago 

Hello Steem Kids & Parents Friends,

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Since audiovisual media exist, they are the main source of entertainment and even leisure of the human being, however, this situation doubled with the arrival of the Internet and the various digital platforms that have been evolving.

The most in-depth reality of this situation is that, consciously or unconsciously, we dedicate prolonged hours to contact with a screen with the intention of enjoying our favorite programming, an action that plunges us directly into a state of semi-numbness and, while the episodes of each programming are passing, this state is deeper thus causing that, Let's practically fall into a state of audiovisual placebo.

At the moment of realizing this state in which we are, I began to wonder if this situation is normal or, it is a negative effect that is happening in us and, we are not yet being aware of this.

The truth is that, while some say that they have noticed it or, others affirm that they have not, I gave myself the task of analyzing all the topics that currently have the series of streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO and Hulu noticing that, the vast majority if not all, have a rugged theme, sad, gray and hard. Now, as a social communicator I know perfectly well that the epic of a thriller is to keep us in suspense so that the interest in seeing the production is awakened in us, but these content creators are using adulterated psychological doses to make us addicted to the series.

Although it is recognized that dedicating prolonged time to these audiovisual productions hurts, if we do it moderately, we can receive excellent benefits since, a comedy series has the ability to contribute to our mood, thus causing us to overcome stress, increase our positive emotions and be willing to be gentle with other people.

Other series that can also contribute to reconcile with ourselves are fiction or real-life events because, they are created with the intention of influencing our sensitivity and familiarity since, as we enjoy the audiovisual production, we immerse ourselves in a protective bubble where we reflect or failing that, We identify with the character and, through this action, we create scenarios to solve the possible problems we are having. However, for this to happen correctly, we must see the productions without falling into addiction.

According to the results I obtained in a situational analysis I did for a subject of my master's degree, I learned that only cheerful and endearing series bring benefits to our psychological and even physical development because, comedy series or real-life events have the ability to level our blood glucose thanks to the positive emotions we will feel.

However, when the audiovisual content belongs to the genre of suspense, drama or terror, the emotions that are activated are tension, fear and sadness so, psychologically it is recommended that we avoid the excess of these sensations because, they are responsible for keeping us altered and, this affects our cardiovascular and neurological system. However, when we enjoy the series that are of the visionary genre, in our body what is triggered is adrenaline, mainly the hormone dopamine, this being responsible for well-being and pleasure.

There are cases in which, comedy, visionary and real-life series have helped someone when overcoming an adverse situation, a trauma or failing that, invites them to seek specialized help because they recognize that they have a mental disorder but, this only happens if the selection is properly made.


Due to all this we must keep in mind the following, not everything on streaming platforms is good for our well-being because, a series can cause us to suffer from sleep disorders, have nightmares or begin to have insomnia and more if the viewer is a minor since, they are the most vulnerable and, Exposed to these productions seen, they select the series because someone told them it was interesting and if possibly it is not supervised, the aggravating factor is greater.

Finally, let's be aware of the series that we will see and, the time we dedicate to them because, although it seems simple and that it is only a matter of selecting a genre, previously we must see how beneficial a specific audiovisual content is because, if we are suffering from depression disorder, we can not select these productions.

In the same way, consumption must be controlled because, spending hours or consecutive days in front of the screen, beyond entertaining us, what causes us is that we are people concentrated in a single reality where they make us vulnerable and withdrawn. Undoubtedly, the idea is to enjoy a good series, not hurt ourselves emotionally and to achieve this, we must select with intelligence the production and time spent.

Have a Nice Day !!!

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