Hey everyone! In this article I want to discuss the concept of habits. What they are, how they form and how they impact our lives. Habits are essentially decisions we make consciously at some point. Then we stop thinking about them and just continue doing them usually on a daily basis. For example at one time or another we all made a choice, about how food to eat or what tasks to prioritize at work. We also decided when to have a drink or when its time, for a jog. But then we stopped making a choice, and the behavior became automatic...this automatic behaviour which we do without thinking anything is basically called Habits ...

Throughout a day, we make a lot of choices, and each of these decision feels like a well-throughout decision.However, in reality, they are not. They are just our habits, and our brain constantly uses them to save effort.
Habits are very interesting; they can happen naturally or can be orchestrated by you or someone else. The majority of our habits dont require our permission.Our habits play a big part in our life more than we realize.
For example, if you are used to drinking coffee just after waking up. You would do that irrespective of you brushing your teeth or not. This is a clear example of how habit has more influence on you than even common sense....similary if you have the habit of checking your mobile , you will certainly do it without thinking of anything else ...

To establish any kind of habit we need to follow a habit loop that involves a three step process, within our brains.
Firstly there is a cue or trigger that instructs our brain to switch to mode and determine which habit to activate.
Then comes the routine, which can be physical, mental or emotional, in nature.
Lastly there is a reward that helps our brain evaluate whether this specific loop is worth remembering for reference.
In terms if you wish to develop habits of any sort it's important to keep the following formula in mind;
All the new habits , no matter of what kind it is ,always depend on this three-step loop:
The cue acts as a signal, to your brain indicating which habit to activate.
The routine is what shapes and influences our actions, thoughts or emotions when a habit is at play.
The reward plays a role, in assessing the significance of a habit. Whether its worth retaining or not.
So Now i will try to tell you guys about the effects of habits....
1 ...How Does Your Habit affect You?
I guess Habit has great influence on our character ...Habits build our character: Character is nothing but a sum of all your habits and If you have good habits like waking up early, cleaning your room daily, working out, etc..
Your character is nothing but the difference between your good habits and your bad habits and If your good habits outweigh and outnumber your bad habits, your character is much better build than most people......Your Habit always leads to your character , so You have to work from the begining that is building good habits which will eventually lead you to a good positive character ....
2. Habits can make or break your life :

I think another effect of habit is on our decision making... Our entire day is filled with habits driven decisions. So, if you have a lot of good habits, you will make a good decision for yourself , your bussiness and all the things related to you ...Imagine, you have a test or some important work the next day, and you need to prepare for it. A good habit would be to prepare early and chill for the rest of the day.But if you procrastinate, you are vulnerable to unforeseen hurdles, which usually lies in an important task.
3. Habit trigger happiness :

Habits is directly related to happiness because our all our daily works depends on our habits ..if we have good habits , we must be happy throughout but if we have bad habits like being angry on every situation , it will leads us to depression ....similary if we have good habits , we will be able to make good decisions and eventualyy our work and everything will be fine and bring happines to us ..
On lighter note , our habits defines the destiny of our life ...all our works , daily life and all other things needs our good habit..if we have good habits , we will be eventually be happy and healthy .