Waarom moet u nie "kwaliteit pos" skryf nie!
Voorlopige opmerking:
Dit is 'n effens veranderde weergawe van 'n Duitse pos wat ek al gepubliseer het. As u dus die Duitse pos reeds ken en lees en moontlik stem, kan u hier aangaan.
Glo jy in humor? Wat weet jy van satire? Dink u dat bespotting snaaks kan wees solank hy nie bespot word nie? Lees dan verder! Maar neem niks letterlik nie.
Om uit 'n 'kwaliteitspos' te skryf, verg moeite en kos u meer tyd as 'n 'byna pos'. Want vir 'n 'kwaliteit pos' moet u baie nagaan, byvoorbeeld of alles wat u wil sê, en of dit interessant is en nie almal weet en weet nie. U moet dan sorg vir die struktuur, grammatika en spelling vir hierdie lang teks. Dit sou die minste wees.
Maar boonop maak so 'n 'kwaliteitspos' jou ook kwesbaar. Omdat u mening twyfel en met vrae gebombardeer kan word, en u dan moet antwoord. 'N Woord of bewoording uit u teks kan verwerp word as verkeerd en onvanpas of moontlik selfs bespot. Dit maak jou seer sonder om die groot sukses van iemand wat met jou probeer dink, te voel en met jou te bespreek.
Selfs u hele 'kwaliteitspos' as geheel kan as vervelig of oorbodig gebrandmerk word deur iemand wat net te lui is om u teks te hanteer, of van iemand wat u geniet om 'n bietjie te irriteer. Of selfs eenvoudiger: die een wat reageer op sekere woorde asof jy 'n Springkrik aan die koord trek. En reeds heeltemal ongekwalifiseer in u voorstelle. Dit alles en miskien meer kan met u en u 'kwaliteitspos' gebeur.
As u in plaas daarvan baie veeleisend skryf dat u u tande goed gedra het en na die verhaal geluister het wat u gelees is, sal u gered word en miskien selfs meer gered word. Die beste ding daaraan is: wat u skryf hoef nie eens reg te wees nie, u kan dit net uitvind - want niemand kan dit nagaan nie!
Maar in u amper pos moenie noem watter tandepasta of tandeborsel u gebruik as u u tande borsel nie. Die vervaardiger is miskien nie polities korrek nie en u kry 'n vloed van skelm. Of iemand glo dat in u tandepasta nanora -robotte is wat u binnedring, en dan begin die persoon ten volle met u praat, wat dreig u as u niks daaraan doen nie en dadelik die en die ander tandepasta of ten minste een beskerming gebruik 'n Fietshelm met elektro-smokbeskerming wanneer u tande borsel.
En noem nie eens die verhaal van u boodskap oor watter verhaal ma vir u gelees het nie en waarom hierdie verhaal van u en u gesin hou! U kan aangewakker word, want in die geskiedenis is daar vermoedelik rassistiese vooroordele of 'n nie-geslagsvriendelike taal!
Aandag: Dit maak nie saak of die beskuldiging wat aan u gerig is, van toepassing is of nie - u maak uself steeds so kwesbaar met sulke besonderhede in u byna pos soos in 'n 'kwaliteit pos'. Daarna verloor u 'n aantal leeftyd en lewensenergie en wil u uself voor die ander of voor uself regverdig. Die poging om jouself te regverdig, hoef nie eens met 'n skriftelike opmerking en 'n antwoord geassosieer te word nie, dit is genoeg dat u bewerings in u kop rondloop en u besig hou en u die volgende hou en selfs u maagpyn kry Uiteindelik.
Natuurlik kan u eenvoudig op sekere opmerkings gaan, moet u dit nie net lees as u vooraf u onaangename ervarings met die sender gehad het nie. Maar dan bly dit nog steeds makliker vir u, in u amper pos skryf u 'n paar onskadelike sinne oor hoe mooi en belangrik u byvoorbeeld bome sal vind, en dan plaas u twee of drie foto's. Dit is die beste om foto's te neem in hierdie geval sonder bome, wat dan briljant werk en verwys na klimaatkatastrofe en bosdood sonder om 'n enkele aanvallende woord te skryf.
Ek ondersoek self hoeveel verskillende variante ek regtig 'n paar woorde, dit wil sê in hul volgorde, toelaat. Dit is lekker! Is dit lekker!
Vertaal met
photo: ty-ty
Why you better should not write a "Quality Post"!
Preliminary remark:
This is a slightly modified version of a German post that I have already published. So if you already know the German post and have read and possibly voted for it, you can skip it here.
Do you believe in humour? What do you know about satire? Do you think ridicule can be funny as long as it doesn't turn into mockery? Then read on! But don't take anything literally.
Writing a "Quality Post" takes more effort and time than a "Fast Post". For a "quality post" you have to check a lot of things, for example whether everything you want to say is true and whether it is interesting and not everyone already knows it. You also have to take care of the structure, grammar and spelling of this long text. That would be the least.
But beyond that, such a "quality post" also makes you vulnerable. Because your opinion could be doubted and bombarded with questions, and you would then have to answer. A word or phrase from your text may be rejected as wrong and inappropriate, or possibly even ridiculed. This then hurts you without you feeling the beautiful success of someone trying to think with you and get into a discussion with you.
Even your whole "quality post" as a whole could be branded as boring or superfluous by someone who is just far too lazy to want to engage with your text, or by someone who enjoys teasing you a little. Or even simpler: someone who reacts to certain words as if you were pulling a Jumping Jack on its string. And already they are quacking into your suggestions in a completely unqualified way. All this and perhaps more could happen to you and your "quality post".
If you instead write that you brushed your teeth and listened to the story that was read to you, then you will be spared all that and perhaps even more. The best thing about it is that what you write doesn't even have to be true, you can just make it up - because no one can check it!
Just don't mention in your Fast Post which toothpaste or toothbrush you use when brushing your teeth. It's possible that the manufacturer is not politically correct and you'll get a flood of grumbling. Or someone is of the opinion that your toothpaste contains nanobots that penetrate you, and then the person starts chatting to you about what you will be exposed to if you don't do something about it and immediately use this and the other toothpaste or at least wear protection when brushing your teeth, preferably a bicycle helmet with electro-smog protection.
And under no circumstances mention in your post which story mum read to you and why you and your family like this story! You could be booed because the story allegedly contains racist prejudices or language that is not gender-appropriate!
Notice: It doesn't matter at all whether the accusation directed at you is true or not - you still make yourself as vulnerable with such details in your Fast Post as in a "Quality Post". Afterwards you lose a lot of life time and life energy trying to justify yourself to others or to yourself. Trying to justify yourself doesn't even have to involve a written comment and response, it's enough that the accusations run around in your head and keep you busy and away from the next Fast Post and even end up making your stomach hurt.
Of course, you can simply ignore certain comments, not even read them, if you have already had unpleasant experiences with the sender. But then it is still easier for you to write a few harmless sentences in your Fast Post about how beautiful and important you find trees, for example, and then add two or three photos. In this case, it's best to use photos without trees, which then works brilliantly and alludes to climate catastrophe and forest dieback without you having written a single attackable word.
I myself am currently exploring in how many different ways I can grammatically correctly permute a few words, that is, change them in their order. I can grammatically correctly change the order of words, that is, permute them, in many different ways, as I am exploring a few right now. This is fun! Fun is this!
Translated with (free version)
Daar is geen beter woord in Afrikaans as LEKKER nie!
"Local is lekker" is 'n gesegde wat almal in Suid Afrika ken.
Dis so waar. Om te skryf, of liewer, om goed te skryf verg baie naslaan, tyd en inspanning en so dikwels word dit nie waardeer nie of gekritiseer. Dit het ek maar alte gou besef toe ek my eerste boek gepubliseer het.
Dan het ek ook geleer dat ons soms te fyngevoelig is. My dogter het die wonderlikste gesegde; "We take it from whoever it comes".
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Sehr schön!
(...und ich konnte es sogar fast schon lesen ohne den Übersetzer...)
Baie mooi!
(... en ek kon dit amper lees sonder die vertaler ...)
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Where can I get more informations on your book(s)?
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Haha! I don't think you will be interested. It is about weight loss (•ิ‿•ิ)
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We will have to organize this book ;-))
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Baie dankie! Steemit is lekker!
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@udabeu denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@udabeu thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
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