Good morning guys. I feel excited to share my actions in making our environment cleaner, healthier and greener. Making our environment cleaner and healthier helps in preventing the breeding of infectious organisms that are dangerous to our health, leading to bad health always.
This morning like any normal day i woke up inspired to assist in sweeping and weeding the backyard of our house to the frontage as well. It's something that is usually done by any of my younger siblings. But today I decided to take part in doing that as well.
I woke up early and began sweeping the house. I swept the parlour, I and my siblings rooms and the dinning as well, leaving the remaining parts of the house for my siblings to clean up. I got a broom went outside and began weeding the grasses, after I was done I took a broom and decided to sweep it as well to finish what I had started.
Later after finishing up the weeding and sweeping I packed everything dirty around there and made the place look neat and tidy. Weeding is something that is usually stressful, but I decided to do it because doing so makes the environment look more neat and tidy. Also cleaning up and weeding the environment makes one feel happier.
At first I decided to weed just the backyard but as time went on I decided to weed and sweep the frontage as well. It wouldn't look nice if a visitor comes visiting and finds your environment looking untidy and unclean. It would leave a bad image on you as a person. So I decided to tidy up the frontage as well.
Well cleanliness is next to godliness. If one is dirty but claims to be a church person and listen to and keep the word of God, it doesn't leave a good reputation on God's name. So cleaning the compound was based mostly on my desire to please God as well as my parents. I got motivated by the fact that God is a clean God and is pleased with those who do their best to remain clean.
Also waking up and seeing how dirty and deserted the place looked, especially after the rain fell wasn't a very good sight to see, so I got motivated as well and decided to pick up a hoe to weed the whole place as well as tidy it up with a broom. It wasn't an easy task to accomplish but eventually I finished up the whole place.
After cleaning up the whole place, I felt very glad and happy knowing that I had done something great that will benefit the entire home. My dad always encourages us to clean and tidy up our surroundings. So being able to do just that and seeing how clean and tidy it looked afterwards gave me a great sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.