If Phones Were Humans...

in hive-139765 •  last year 

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Think of this: your phone, but as a person. Yes, that small device that’s likely either in your hand right now or within your reach. Picture it with limbs, a face, maybe even a cool haircut. Now, let’s explore this strange, yet amusing world where our phones are more than just metal and glass.

If my phone were a person, it would probably be in critical condition by now. Let’s face it, I’m not exactly the most careful owner. It’s been dropped more times than I can remember, and it’s charged more often than a restless kid.* If it were a person, it would probably look at me with those big, digital eyes and say, “Really? Again?” But, miraculously, it’s still alive – a proof of either its toughness or my good fortune. 😄


Image by upklyak on Freepik

Do I give my phone a break? Well, that’s like asking if coffee ever stops keeping people alert. My phone is pretty much a non-stop operation. It’s my wake-up call, my personal helper, and my portal to the social media frenzy. If it were a person, it would probably plead for a holiday. But then again, it might just be a workaholic who enjoys the constant activity. Either way, I should probably start thinking about some “phone downtime” before it decides to quit.

Imagine a situation where phones could have feelings. Imagine my phone’s happiness when it’s fully charged, shining with the pleasure of a full battery. Now, imagine its sadness when I leave it behind at home. It would sit there, gazing at the door, like a dog waiting for its master. And don’t even get me going on annoyance – every time it gets a software update that changes everything…

If my phone were a person and could give me some tips about phone usage, it might say something like this:

  • I’m strong, but even I need some rest. Let me sleep a bit, will you? Maybe try reading a book or talking to a real person for a change.

  • Keep me tidy, please. I’m sick of being covered with fingerprints and whatever that unknown substance from your lunch was.

  • Remember, I’m just a device, not your entire world. Spend some time away from me.

To sum up, if phones were people, they would make our lives more complicated. They’d be our perpetually exhausted, overworked, yet amazingly steadfast companions. But as fanciful as this mental experiment is, it does remind us of something important – our phones are a vital part of our lives, but they’re also just objects. Objects that need care, sure, but also objects that shouldn’t eclipse the real, living world around us.

*Now that you guys have read this article, let me tell you that in reality, nothing like this has happened. I take very good care of my phone and so far, it has only fallen from my hands once or twice. I wrote all this to make the article a bit funny. A writer should have this much freedom, right?

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

I would like to invite @weisser-rabe, @dove11, @patjewell, @radjasalman, @yonaikerurso, @inspiracion, @irawandedy, @senehasa and @paholags to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 19-Dec-2023 | Achievement 1
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Interesting topic and interesting imaginations, I am sure your answers are close to the reality. My best wishes!