in hive-139765 •  2 years ago 
You can only tell someone's true character when a situation is challenging or uncomfortable. Of course, bad trees must bring forth bad fruits, and in the same manner, good trees must bring forth good fruits. When someone displays an unexpected attitudes and personalities in the face of challenges, it is most likely there true character.


You should not blame circumstances for any bad character you display. Many others have faced similar or even worse challenges, and some have responded positively, so why not?

Your circumstances cannot make you something you are not. Personalities often arise from thoughts. This is what that determines your actions and deeds, and over time they develop into habits and habits become part of a person's attitude, ultimately shaping their personality.

You see, characters are born not only from oblivion but also from thoughts of the heart. The character you don't want to build in your life, you don't have to think about it in the first place, because ideas are like seeds that can grow.

Some people have ruined their reputations and opportunities to work better with their characters. There's just something about being mean rude or having poor character; it can instantly undo all the good you've done over the years.

This emphasizes that although external beauty is good, but more than that is personal beauty. No matter how beautiful your face or body is, a good personality cannot be replaced. A good personality adds more to your beauty than makeup. You will agree with me that it is easier to love a good person than a person with poor character.

You shouldn't use "I have no choice" or "I'm real" excuses to show off your poor character. Nobody will accept your poor character, so stop using it as an excuse. You can choose to maintain your good character even in the face of trials and tribulations. You can make that conscious decision.


Whenever you feel the need to be rude or display poor character, remind yourself that you are more than that and can do better. Always remember that it's up to you to display good or a bad characters. It is up to you to make your choice. Don't forget that whatever your choice is, you will reap it's fruits.

Thank You.

Read, Ponder, Love.
© whileponderin

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