Hello all it feels good to post once again in this wonderful community, it is good to be with all of you once again. Remember last time we talked about the reptile family and last time i told you we will be talking about aquatic animals.
Aquatic animals
Aquatic animals are those animals that live in the water, some aquatic animals also live in and outside the water, like mudskipper they live in mud permanently but go to the water to cool of for sometime.
So let's talk about the fishes, i will talk about both the wild and the tame.
Lets mention the ones i will talk about
- Shark
- catfish
- whale (blue whale)
- jellyfish
There are thousandsmof sea creatures in the water and different species of fishes, but these are just few that i want to talk about .
Sharks are wild species of fishes that lives in the warer and hunts little fishes to eat, they have pointed jaws and sharp teeths that it uses to bite its prey, the shark is known as the king of the water.
This fish is usually common and it is eaten by humans in various typesmof delicacies, it uses it sharp whiskers to protect itself from predators in the water, they eat smaller fishes but when reared they eat feed
Blue whales are the largest aquatic animals in the world, they give birth to thier young ones alive, they communicate with thier whale language, a blue whales vein is big to the point that a baby can crawl through the veins.
Everone has heard about the fish before it has tenticles and have electricity like eels that they use to shock people and that electricity is too deadly for human beings, just one touch can take a human beign to the hospital.
Thank you all for following up to my updates about the animal family, next time we meet we will talk about the bird family see you all next time in another post.