Axie infinity was so popular this day, even it voted to be The Best Game of The Year, with this hype many player come to enter this great community day by day. To play this game you need to buy at least 3 axie to compete in pvp or maybe just to farm $SLP in pve. Then what is the best team composition to beat the game? Well it depeds on your game play, but here i will give you same basic team to enter competitive pvp arena.
First it will be Tanker, take a lot of incoming damage,saving your squishy damager
This skill set will give you oportunity to defend and the same time to add some damage and stealing energy from your enemy.
Next, the beast attack plus energy support
The 100% critical skill sure will take down the most plant tank.
And Last, Your true squishy yet monstrous damage bird assasins,LOL
Most of the team will put the main damager at last position, so the backline skill will mostly kill them if combined with the high damage skill, you will have bigger chance to win when you make their damager dead at earlier turn.
Thats all the basic team recomendation from me, again this is turn based game that everything depend on RNGod, may RNGod Bless You All, Thanks.