Cryptoznewb's Custom Card Set for Gods Unchained: Volume 11

in hive-140217 •  5 years ago 

Hello all! We're back with the eleventh edition of CryptozNewb's Custom Card Set for Gods Unchained! has recently updated their website and opened up a contest for card submissions (, inspiring me to come up with another round of new cards for Gods Unchained.

This time around we're showcasing the art of Angevere, whose work can be seen at

I had no pre-existing plans when I started this set. These were all thought up on the fly as I picked out various art pieces to use. You may notice that I got into a bit of a pattern with creating Creatures that do something at the end of the turn, so we do have a bit of a theme going!

Unlikely AllianceAgrodor Lookout
Very niche and kind of a goofy card. Inspired by the artworkA little something for those Amazon Swarm decks
Spirit of the LavaFather Jacob
Burn effects are not always useful, at least with the current cards we have, but anything that happens when you cast a spell can be useful for Magic decksFather Jacob continues with the end of the turn effects, though he is nice enough to bring Warded Creatures onto the table!
Medicus InitiateBonded Spiritweaver
A little healing for Nature, though I'm not really sure they need it!Kind of a lesser version of the Pixie Summoner, but this one is Neutral

So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed these cards. Thanks again to Angevere and for the inspiration!

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