Gods Unchained Weekly Recap (Mar 6th - Mar 12th)

in hive-140217 •  5 years ago 


Welcome to the the twenty-seventh edition of the Gods Unchained Weekly Recap! Things have been pretty crazy in the World, even crazier than normal. So for anyone who needs a temporary escape or is perhaps trapped at home, here are all the happenings with Gods Unchained this past week.

Ibises Arrive

The Blessed Ibis cards, rewards for in-game levels achieved before the Core card wipe last year, are finally being sent out. Once received, they are available to be played in-game and can also be put up on the Markets. Oddly, there seem to be more Shadow versions of this card than there are Meteorite! I'm not sure that the distribution has completed yet, but it is something to take note of, especially if you plan on selling or buying an Ibis or two.


Official Content

Lots of content from the team this week!

We'll start with a YouTube video with Kelly Digges (Narrative Consultant who is writing the Lore for the Trial of the Gods expansion), about the process of writing a backstory for the game.

There is a new Community Poll for voting on which card art from Season One you would like to see revealed next - https://forms.gle/RaSDairfWiSgkU6H9

Chris Clay has released another State of the Beta post. Go read it!

Official Blog post about "Asset Interoperability" (damn that's hard to type!), discussing how blockchain facilitates the ability to share assets between games, even those from different companies. Good read for those interested in the technology and where the future of gaming is headed - https://blog.godsunchained.com/2020/01/01/asset-interoperability-a-game-changer/

The Official Weekend Reward spreadsheet from last week - http://bit.ly/WK_33

Balance Changes

Significant changes to the Sanctum landed on us this week. The decks in the Sanctum were reduced to 10 cards (from 12), and each deck had three cards removed and one Neutral card added. You can read the full details on the changes in the post on Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/comments/fhsqnl/sanctum_deck_update_13032020/
Be sure to check it out and give your feedback!


Cryptocurrencies took a huge hit the past few days. Losses of 50% were seen practically overnight. Prices seem to be stabilizing, but the general Crypto market feels very unsteady.

Due to the amount of activity, the Ethereum network has been extremely congested and gas prices spiked. This seems to also be leveling off, but for now, Immutable has suspended the forging process. https://blog.godsunchained.com/2020/03/13/fusing-cards-temporarily-on-hold/


Token Trove added a new feature where you can lower the prices on your listed cards for free. Read more here - https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/comments/fgmvqf/tokentrove_lower_prices_on_cards_for_free/

Dev Update

No new Dev Update this week.


The Meta continues to shift around a bit as everyone adjusts to the Sanctum and tries to find ways to defeat the most popular decks. Slayer continues to dominate for usage frequency, and Onslaught is also holding onto its regained popularity. Death Control (mainly with Blood Ritual) has made a bit of a comeback. But what I find most interesting are the versatile Nature decks that switch God Powers based on their opponent! Nature has a lot of great early removal, which combines well with the current state of the Sanctum. You can look at some of these decks yourself at https://gudecks.com/meta/top-decks

We'll see if the Sanctum changes bring any shakeups this weekend.

Get out there and keep battling!

Gods Unchained is an online, collectible card game with true ownership of your cards. The card information is stored on the Ethereum blockchain, so the cards can be traded, bought and sold in any NFT market, while the game itself runs off-chain, so there are no transaction fees involved when playing. The game is free to play, and you can get started now.

Article written by CryptozNewb

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