Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy is a graphic adventure game developed by the french company Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls & Detroit: Become Human) and launched in September, 2005. The game was written and directed by Quantic Dream's founder, David Cage.
The story starts in a very cold New York City night when a crime is commited by the main character while he was possesed by a mysterious man. In the paper of Lucas (that's his name), you have to find out what happened that day while you run from police.
The fun and distinctive part is that... YOU PLAY AS THE POLICE TOO!
So you run and chase in this weird but catching game (or interactive movie).
There's a remastered version of the game available now
This game it's on PS2, PS4, Xbox Classic, Android, iOS, *MacOS, Linux and Windows. *(it's on steam)
Hope you enjoyed it! See you next time! :D