Review on RORGAME application

in hive-140217 •  5 years ago 

Hello guys 🤗... This would be mn first time of me writing on hive gaming group. It'd be great pleasure and opportunity for me to write more reviews on games and also to write on gaming projects. Quarantine has really made me go to play store checking for games I play to solve bordoms and there I found some racing game and more. Tho Rorgame application has been on my mobile phone and I really do love the game. That's I brought up an idea of sharing the application content to you.
Today, I'd like to talk on RORGAME;


what is RORGAME?
Rorgam is road of rich games is a html5 gaming platform which give users the access to enjoy multiple simple games in just one app which you can easily play them convinently without stress, which means you don't have to start downloading each games one by one. Can't you see that this is quite lovely. In this game you are going to receive tokens, gems and lot more to play more ranking games.

I'd like to give you five examples of games on the application. Tho, there are lots of games on it and ever since I've been playing the games, I do notice that new games keeps popping in, that means the official incharge of it aren't stagnant, they keep on producing more numerous game on the platform.
Here we go:


  1. Circle Race:- This game has been by best game so ever on the platform cause I do spend more times on it. I always find it hard to quit the game even if I'm loosing 😂😉...
    In this very game you are simply acting as the white ball and your aim is to avoid the black balls. The black balls always start with one and then pops in as you manover them... It's such an interesting game you would love to play repeatedly.


  1. Hit Circle
    What this game is all about is that, there are two types of balls in the game, both are white but there sizes are different. You are acting as the small size white circle and your ambition in this game is to target the bigger ball and make sure you don't touch the knife edge at the tope of the game page...


  1. Keep it up
    Keep it up, keep it, keep it up.... I bet you this game is going to make you go crazy, I mean crazy. Why I said that is that, you will need to keep the balls up... U make good sure it does not flee.
  2. Endless Tree
    This game is quite fun and fantastic, because the player is the bird and what you will do is to avoid the blocker and make sure that there is not hindering you of moving forward... But has the name of the game implies, "Endless Tree"... That means the tree is infinite, it has no end.


  1. Jumper Frog
    This game can be quite funny and quite easy too... It takes time to get used to it... In this game, you will have to cross the road, cross the stream also. I bet you're going to enjoy this game marvelously.

This application as lots of games on it and all this game are well programmed for we to play it freely without giving us problem. You will have to get the application on play store...
You can simply get the application through this link:

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