Hello Evryone,
Last week i started playing eos dynasty, i started this because i like the idea of playing a game which makes me earn some money back.
The game itself is a good game. What u do in the game is as folows. U make or buy equipment so u can do marches. The further u march the better droprate u get. U lvl up when u marched enough and again u get better droprates the higher lvl u become. U can sel materials u get from these marches to earn some eos.
U can battle other players.When u are getting real good u get nice rewards for this.
Also u can get mounths, These help u in battle but u can also send them to explore on there own which gives u yet again some materials which u can use to forge equipments or sel for eos.
All in all the games is pretty fun.
Thnx and have fun playing.