Still no great game on steem and or other blockchain?

in hive-140217 •  3 years ago 

I don't have much time to check recently, but even with my modest researches I didn't find anything really exciting. Maybe you did?

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It would help if I knew what sort of genres excite you and whether or not you are only into triple AAA titles with state of the art graphics like most folks I know?

In other words, are you like my 3 year old nephew who can play Gears of War just fine for hours on end but, can't get over the first jump in SMB then quit just because he dies once? lol....

No disrespect to you, I just like sharing that anecdote about my nephew because it made a few of my brain cells die when I witnessed it. I still can't wrap my mind around it. :D

GoW was the first FPS to add the concept of covers !!! please... if you never tried in teamplay you should ! it's one of the most amazing game ever released specially the 1 on xbox360...

I like Ogame too :) you know it? that's what I would like with blockchain integration :) so visual... 0.

but seriously 3 years old to play GoW? no way... chainsawing adversaries or plugging grenades inside their fleshes? that's bad :).

His dad, my brother, figures that since he turned out "ok" being exposed to violence at a young age, his kids will be fine as well. He even lets them play the newest Mortal Kombat.

I'll have to get an Xbox 360 someday. I've been without a job or income for a long time. I don't think the jobs lost to Covid shutdowns are coming back.

Jobs always get destroyed so that resources can be redeployed in more profitable parts of the market.

I am fine with it. It is my mother who isn't fine with it. lol...

I dream of a world where all tedious, meaningless jobs are automated.