Playstation Store: No video = I no buy

in hive-140217 •  4 years ago 

I really can't understand the marketing strategies of a lot of the games on the PS store. We have all the tools at our disposal for giving the potential customers a real insight as to what the game is like but every now and then you run into a game that doesn't have any screenshots or videos.

ps-store-playstation-store-1.original (1).jpg

I recently discovered that PS makes nearly 70% of their revenue from the PS Store and I guess it makes sense because no game is ever out of stock, you get to keep it in your library forever and even if you delete the game it still remembers your progress if and when you return to it.

For me the PS store is a great way for me to discover indie games that I otherwise might never have heard about since they don't have massive budgets for reaching a large audience. There is one extremely critical element of this process that for reasons I can't understand, they skip. The option to have some look at what the game is actually like in the form of a video or at the bare minimum some screenshots

Owlboy is one of those games that I wouldn't have even considered purchasing if it weren't for their demo video... had the video not been there, I would not now own this gem

I know that I should just calm the eff down and maybe drink less monster energy drink, but when I encounter this situation it actually makes me mad. I'm thinking to myself.... " OK, so you and your team went through the massive rigmarole of making a game from concept to design to programming to testing to complotted product and you can't make a fucking demo video?"

I understand that I could run over to YouTube or whatever and check it out there but this is not the point. I'm already in the store, I'm already looking at your product but then at the most crucial moment they are not providing me with the most essential part of the process.

If I click on a game and then go into the subsection of that game only to discover that there is no media at all other than depending on other people to be streaming Twitch, I'm not buying the fucking game. It's as simple as that.

I wish I could sit down with these companies and slap whoever is in charge because I can't be the only person that feels this way.


This ability to have a little bit of a look into a product that I am considering purchasing goes back a very long way. Toys R Us mastered this back before we all had fiber optic internet connections by having a little sleeve of the boxes so that we could at at least look at some images and a description of the game before we bought it.

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I know that I should just calm the eff down and maybe drink less monster energy drink, but when I encounter this situation it actually makes me mad. I'm thinking to myself.... " OK, so you and your team went through the massive rigmarole of making a game from concept to design to programming to testing to complotted product and you can't make a fucking demo video?"

I like that you were calm enough to censor yourself at the beginning of the paragraph but too irate to do so by the end of it 😆

I used to love looking at the back of those little cardboard/plastic cases and imagining what the game would be like to play - I can't believe anybody can expect to sell a game without sharing some screenshots at very least - they really do need a slap.

lol, i hadn't noticed that. The thing is, i normally go "shopping" for games after I have been drinking and things irritate me a bit more than they probably should if i've had a few.

I actually feel as though shopping for games was more exciting when we would just judge a book by it's cover. it was always a huge gamble. Of course we were younger then and if i got one new game a month it would be about normal for me so even if I didn't like it, I was stuck with it!

I wondered if there was a phrase or term for drunk shopping and found this instead -

This is the highlight for me -


What do you tend to drink?

And this part feels relevant -


I still enjoy popping into games stores and browsing the cases to see if something takes my fancy. It's definitely something I'll miss when everything moves online which it inevitably will.

for me my drunk purchases are always online so it would be games for the most part but of course food ends up being part of it. I wouldn't say that I have a strict diet or anything but when you are drunk you just order whatever, right?

I too will miss the in-person shopping experience. Perhaps we should hep out gamestop by actually shopping there once we are allowed to do so.

It's traditional here to buy a kebab when you're drunk, often with way to much chilli which causes immense discomfort the following day! I think pizza comes top of my list - a large stuffed crust 🍕

I still tend to buy most of my games in store (the UK's all open for business now) - I've not really thought about it before but I like to have the physical games for my games console but download PC games - I'm not sure PC games even come on CDs any more.

I like having they physical copies as well although it is a bit annoying when if you didn't download the game it sometimes requires you to have the game in the PS4 in order to play it.... What you want me to stand up and walk across the room to play this? what am i? a triathlete?

Is that what the modern triathlon is?

It is incredible how a company that makes incredibly complex toys cannot get a simple point like the one you referred to right!