Hello animal lovers,
The list of protected animals in my country is very large and it is getting longer. Our animal diversity is going to increase. In today's edition of Protected Animals in My Country Part 12, I am going to write about a bird that has been greatly reduced in our country, called the vulture.
There was a time when vultures were seen in flocks in our area, especially in winter. Now vultures are no longer seen and have been included in the list of protected animals. Most of the vultures seen in our country are local species, but some come to our country in winter from India and Nepal. Currently, there are an estimated 300 vultures in the country. They are kept in government parks and are regularly provided with food, but even these do not produce much desirable offspring.
The main reason for the decline of vultures in our country is their food. The main food of vultures is dead animals. Vultures protect the environment by eating dead animals, which is why they are called nature's scavengers. The main reason why most people in Bangladesh die from poisoning and most vultures are dying from eating poisonous dead animals.
There are no large forests in Bangladesh where vultures can live safely, which is why vultures are on the verge of extinction. Also, when a vulture, which looks like a large bird, sometimes comes to a locality in search of food, overzealous people catch it, kill it or injure it, resulting in its subsequent death.
According to the Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act 2012, vulture is a protected animal and hunting, killing, trafficking or harming them is a punishable offence. The penalty for this offence is imprisonment for 2 to 7 years.
There have been several awareness campaigns in our area to protect vultures, but they have not been very effective. Some poisonous (Diclofenac) injections have been banned to protect vultures, which are given to domestic animals and even if the animal dies, the poison will not be released. Go. There is a safe zone created for vultures.
It is important for us to be aware to protect vultures. Because we are not aware, today these wild animals and birds around us are being listed as protected.
Let us be aware ourselves and make others aware and preserve animal diversity.
I invite you @ulfatulrahmah @max-pro @memamun to participate in this competition.